A Thai man has been living with a crocodile for 20 years. at home

A Thai man has been living with a crocodile in his house for 20 years.Photo from open sources

Kanatip Natip, 53, from Phitsanulok, Thailand never worries that robbers will get into his house. If cybercriminals actually try to crank it out venture, they are waiting for an unprecedented surprise. The fact is that a man has been holding a crocodile in his home for two decades, which freely moves around all rooms and notice without enthusiasm refers to anyone other than his the owner.

A photo from open sources

In 1998, Natip acquired a small crocodile for his children. The Thai was with his offspring on a crocodile farm, and the sons of our hero persuaded him to buy a cub reptiles. All this time, Tong (as the family called its unusual pet) lives in Natip’s house, and despite the fact that children have long been grew up and left the man, with him remained his reptile, whom he considers his third son, about whom sensitively cares.

Our hero has repeatedly tried to let the pet out, however the crocodile didn’t like such a master’s venture – he doesn’t want to change your lifestyle. Most often, it lies under a wooden table. As long as the reptile has food and water, it is quite happy and even allow the owner to stroke himself. Tong never hurt anyone harm, however, to outsiders refers to distrust and does not allow they get closer to themselves. Natip’s neighbors know about the predator, and therefore never drop by a man even for a moment, not to mention – in guests. And in the area people are well aware of the home crocodile Natipa, so everyone tries to get around his house side …

By the way, biologists say that a person cannot tame crocodile, they say, these terrible reptiles do not succumb even to the slightest training. A lot of people paid for their health, and some and life, trying to make friends with an alligator. Therefore, the case with Thai Natip can be considered out of the ordinary. Although he is not is unique. We have already written on the site about this friendship of man – Costa Rican Gilberto Shedden – with his crocodile named Chito. True, in that case, the fisherman didn’t just grow and in this way tamed the reptile, but simply saved the crocodile (shot shepherd) from death. And Chito for the rest of his life (up to his natural demise – he was already old) remained in the pond at Costa Rican, although he even tried several times to take recovered alligator free will into the river. But thats invariably returning to his savior …

A life

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