About chemotracks: Manage people? Elementary!

Fully modeled selections – with a predetermined number voters, “spontaneous revolutions” – like the Ukrainian, even “just mood “of people in a particular territory – all this is elementary for those who run the top-secret US Cloverleaf program (“Clover Leaf”), which has grown to a global scale.

We are talking about such a thing as chemotracks – traces of aircraft in the sky, similar to conventional inversions, namely, about spraying above us microparticles of compounds of aluminum, barium, radium, uranium and strontium, as well as nano-viruses created in laboratories.

Where did the angel fly?

Many people used to perceive any information about chemotracks, as another horror story of lovers of conspiracy theories, and now even complete skeptics take this seriously. Not by chance chemotracks are called almost the misfortune of mankind N 1! Researchers sound the alarm: under the chemotracks on the ground, on the grass and microparticles of barium and aluminum oxides were found on the leaves of trees, as well as samples of microorganisms and unnatural viruses origin.

About chemotracks: Manage people? Elementary!A photo from open sources

Many Russian and Western scientists believe that this may the reason for the mass and unexplained death of fish and birds in different regions of the planet, unexpected epidemics that one after another flare up “suddenly” and with enviable regularity.

American was one of the first to write about chemotracks. Researcher Mike Blair. In 2001, he published a report in the United States, where it was said what exactly they spray from aircraft: bacilli and enterobacteria, dehydrogenated red and white human bodies blood with cancer mutagenic parameters, enzymes and bacteria, used in laboratories to change DNA. And about mentioned barium and aluminum salts – their spraying takes place within NATO military program – RFMP radar system: it is based on the effect of reflection of radio waves, which allows you to observe different objects in three planes (3D).

The oxides of the mentioned metals form a chemical misty curtain in in the form of a white haze covering the sky above the clouds. This fog is capable of multiply the effect of electromagnetic energy, you can make the most accurate three-dimensional maps and generally any three-dimensional image of the type of the notorious Blue Ray variant.

Then, for the first time, another word openly sounded in the report – HAARP. Chemicals sprayed in the atmosphere work for the staff HAARP system – high-frequency transmitter and powerful beam ionospheric heater, which, in fact, can be psychotronic weapon of a completely directed action.

The same chemical compounds also suppress the nervous and immune human systems. And when a person’s mental state is suppressed (crushed!), you can do anything with it. Escalate and all types of diseases that benefit the global pharmaceutical giants, which for a long time and more than once “lit up” in various doubtful projects, including in the field of biological weapons.

Not only toxic metals but also viruses are sprayed in the sky made in military laboratories using genetic engineering, Morgellons – nanotechnology-based synthetic fibers, performing the role of artificial parasites. In the media, these fibers are still called “angel hair” …

Death track

In Latvia, the topic of chemotraces is addressed by the eniologist Yuri Lear (Eniology – modern multidisciplinary science that studies processes energy-informational exchange between humans and the environment). A team has been formed in Latvia, which includes doctors, chemists, biologists, aviators and radio operators concerned about the problem chemotracks.

A photo from open sources

– There are similar research groups in Lithuania and Estonia, – tells the publication “Saturday” Yuri Lear. – Recently in Estonia was held international conference on chemotraces, and in it Specialists from the Moscow Institute of Epidemiology and microbiology named after Gamalei, where they are involved, including the creation of nano-viruses and work on military programs. The purpose of the meeting is not only discuss the problem, but also decide: how to live on? After all the problem of chemotracks concerns everyone, but from artificial viruses, which are sprayed from airplanes over different regions, do not protect even gas masks …

Non-knowledgeable people confuse chemotracks with conventional inversions “exhaust” tracks from aircraft. Inversion trace – condensing, almost transparent. This is essentially water vapor. Than faster, hot exhaust gases cool in ambient air, the more rapidly a cloudy trace from microscopic water droplets and tiny ice crystals. Condensation trail disappears literally before our eyes. But the chemical track is hanging in the air several hours at low altitude, spreads out into wide stripes, then covers the sky with a pale misty haze.

Since 1997, when the topic of chemotracks began to be dealt with seriously, researchers in the US and Canada have accumulated an impressive collection photos and eyewitness accounts describing strange phenomena in the sky. Scientists from different countries gathered under chemotracks – on earth, samples of strange chemical compounds not used from grass and foliage in ordinary industry and not being a “product” that flies out from the exhaust pipes of cars or from the usual production.

And the American microbiologist Kalaham Macy discovered a rare and extremely dangerous flu virus V2, which can usually be found only in laboratories. Editor of the American weekly newspaper “The Files” George Filer published reports of scientists where it was told: in people shortly after they saw in the sky chemotracks, found strange symptoms similar symptoms with atypical flu.

Suppression of threat – or brain?

– Soon many leading media outlets began to speak out researchers – and every month more, – emphasizes the interlocutor. – And it’s not about some kind of mass insanity scientists, but about a problem that is increasingly faced by thousands of people. There was even an opinion that the Americans after the events of September 11 created some kind of chemical composition to “suppress aggression”: it sprayed in the sky, and then on earth then people “become kinder.” Rather, they do not become kinder, they just start to slow down brain activity.

A photo from open sources

Scientists who gathered on earth and foliage what attacked from heaven, even microparticles with uranium were found. And we, and other groups, we get a lot of people’s reports: “for no reason” after saw in the sky above the head mysterious traces of airplanes, suddenly health deteriorated sharply; seedlings perished in the gardens; on the leaves found “strange chemistry.” And last winter, scientists from the United States and Belgium completely stunned when the “snow” gathered near the house fell immediately after chemotracing, it didn’t melt, but … melted if to him brought open fire. And what was my surprise when I received the same information from our Latvian gardener activists living all year round in nature! ..

Until around 2012, officials from Europe, the USA and Canada insisted: chemotracks are an attempt through genetic engineering create specific conditions in the sky so that we are not very exposed to solar radiation and reduced the greenhouse effect. There is a program – “Cloverleaf” (“Clover Leaf”). Its now like would be officialized in the USA, its essence is genetic engineering, and component is chemtrails. But what is behind all this? If strictly and specifically: without a declaration of war, a monstrous thing violence against people, there is a real war against everything of humanity!

There is more sad concrete information. Recently in laboratories have concluded: among what is sprayed from aircraft, there are also self-assembled nano-structures working on the principle of pseudo-living microorganisms and using uranium microparticles as batteries to activate. In addition, in the latest rainfall samples chemotraces detected agents of Ebola, cholera, atypical viruses pneumonia, MERS-CoV type coronaviruses, new varieties streptomycin causing incurable forms of pseudotuberculosis of all human internal organs, AIDS symptoms.

Recently added to this “cocktail” oncomutagens – active substances that cause genetic programs of organisms of ALL LIVING – and first of all of man – in side of the cancers. All this is happening in the air today. the space of the USA, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Scandinavia, Baltic. And in Latvian – too …

Guided revolution

– Officials, for example, from the NSA (National Agency security) the United States somehow said: it would be excellent if by spraying in the sky some substances could be reduced level of aggression in people! Is it by chance that after this passed information already from the US National Laboratory: using the program geoengineering can spray nano-substances that, falling into human lungs will be “fed” by heat and electric fields people, due to which specific managers will be formed electromagnetic fields.

A photo from open sources

And what’s next? You can, for example, blunt (or excite!) aggression in a person (for example, when you need to commit some “small revolution” like the one in Ukraine), worsen health people on certain days (if you need to make sure that on those or other elections came a specific number of voters), and that’s already elementary.

Managing people “modulated” above artificial fields can be produced through the same mobile phones or other devices with touch screens that are touched our fingers. Do not think that if you can manage device, the device cannot control you. Rather, you can drive through the device.

In mid-March, exactly on the eve of the referendum in Crimea, the news sounded even on Channel One and RTR, and was also in the Internet (but then “suddenly disappeared”!) that everyone in Russia disconnected Apple devices – suddenly and as one. And remember, before This was a scandal when one of the former employees of this company released data that in the development of devices initially “was interest laid “CIA, NSA and other departments – to control people, managing them through precision instruments … randomness.

Too many people…

“Chemotracks are“ complex evil, ”Yuri Lear is convinced. – So, nobody canceled the population depopulation program until the “minimum reasonable level” mentioned in the “commandments”, beaten out on the notorious “tablets of Georgia.” To understand this, you need go back in time – in the mid-1960s. Then the world elite considered the long-term development of humanity as a whole, as well as the ability to provide absolute global power over financial and natural resources of the Earth.

And the “mighty of this world” (supra-political figures with a huge authorities, finances and controlled media made serious conclusions. Already in 1966, an official document was first published in the United States, on the basis of which it was proposed to expand work on the creation atmosphere control technology – the forerunner of the “List” program clover. “Then began large-scale experiments on the most Secret objects in the United States – in Zone 52 (Dagway Base) and Forte Detrick (Main Military Laboratory for the Study and production of war viruses and pathogens located between by the way, next to “Clover Hill” – hence the name of the program “Cloverleaf” or “Clover Leaf”).

Today, the names of most scientists are known, who participated in this program. Some of these scientists were involved in top-secret programs, involving interaction with foreign civilizations. However, this another topic …

Today, perhaps the lazy one does not know about the theory of the “golden billion” – reduction of the population of the Earth, based on very accurate calculations: how many people can the planet feed and what resources does it have? The Golden Billion includes representatives from the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, countries of Western Europe.

A photo from open sources

For this one billion, about two more are enough – people “second grade” from third countries that would serve the global the elite. A long-term reduction program has long been adopted. the planet’s population and, of course, control over it. Is not conspiracy theory. Everything lies on the surface! Enough just be able to think, analyze, compare facts …

By the way, sometimes they ask me why no news no from Riga airport? After all, from his runway rise “flying tanks” are huge Boeing-based aircraft. Firstly, we also receive information from airport employees, which, for obvious reasons, will not give names in the media.

They talked about “strange barrels” that are loaded in such aircraft, on specific “sides” of well-known commercial airlines performing flight task on routes chemotrace. Secondly, none of the local workers have to the mentioned international relations programs, everything is not supervised Latvian structures, our country provides only the most external “security link”. But, despite this secrecy, sewed in bag still can not hide ..

How to protect yourself?

– There are regions free from “tracing”: places where for the powers that be, roughly speaking, “food is grown.” These are the zones subtropics of America and Africa, some islands in the oceans. Soon a map will be compiled with “trace locations” and chemotrace free. Already drawn up and will be in the very near future the flight routes of the “chemotracers” were announced. By this scientists from literally the whole world are engaged …

While studying the problem of chemotracks, he repeatedly got up the question is: what about the “rulers of this world,” is it really this “joy snubs “doesn’t harm? Yes, doesn’t do harm. Almost all the leaders” of backstage “take antidotes, drugs that eliminate the effects exposure to chemotraces. Can we defend ourselves? We can. there is certain techniques based on bioresonance, homeopathic drugs that help remove radionuclides and uranium from the body particles. But to call them in this publication does not make sense, because in Each case is treated individually, says Yuri Lear.

The group of like-minded Yuri Lear includes a specialist in Cardiology Tamara Tyune. In the Soviet years she worked a doctor in the field of functional diagnostics, in 1983 she was preparing thesis, working in the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Circulatory Pathology. In the new century, created with colleagues at the University of Stradins laboratory of integrative medicine. The plans were based laboratories to open a separate course for general training of students, allowing students to master, and then use in practice devices developed by Russian colleagues who are capable of treat by electromagnetic field, various waves and pulses. And this helps to cleanse the body of “chemistry with of heaven. ”

Affected human organs seem to signal, spread impulses of a certain frequency, as well as viruses and pathogens bacteria. The device picks them up and answers. Doctor device, delivers “per person” an electromagnetic wave such frequency, which corresponds to the frequency of a healthy organism. it turns out to be unacceptable for bacteria and germs that die, and the body begins to restore its balance.

Igor Meyden – for the newspaper “Saturday” (Latvia)

Australia Viruses War DNA Time NATO Russia Aircraft USA Chemotraces HAARP

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