About food addiction

Did you know that Cheetos snacks are one of the most wonderful engineered products in the history of cooking aimed for pure pleasure? So says an American nutritionist Stephen A. Witherly of Technical Products, whose opinion leads the New York Times Magazine, one of his materials that will ever destroy us all. Meaningfully cultivated food addiction.

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The main charm of these cheese sticks is that they are literally melt in your mouth. “This is called disappearing calorie content,” says Mr. Witherly. – If something melts quickly, the brain thinks it is not no calories. Therefore, you can absorb this endlessly. “But this, of course, is a hoax, the author of the journal tells us publications Michael Moss, owner of Pulitzer 2010 Prizes for Exposing Meat Suppliers, and cheating is not accidental: companies producing snacks spend a lot of money to research to develop products that circle around the finger, the consumer’s mind and its taste buds will enchant so that they are in a state of constant hunger. Insiders call it a bliss point. For the sake of this food industry pays special attention to the fight against the so-called sensory satiety (sensory-specific satiety).

A photo from open sources

It is about the fact that the brain responds to the strong and diverse aromas reducing your desire to still try a similar product. To avoid this, cheap food producers (e.g. Coca-Cola or Doritos) resort to complex formulas that excite taste buds, but do not give them an idea of ​​one a distinct flavor that tells the brain that it’s time to stop roasting. However, the body can not be fooled. You can experience the abyss of insatiable pleasure, absorbing junk food, but it does not cancel the fact that you ate another bag of calories. Mr Moss is silent about how much such food has affected the US obesity epidemic, but it’s obvious that there is such a problem and that it intensified simultaneously with the growth of unhealthy food industry. Over the past three decades, the number of Americans obese more than doubled: from 15% in 1980 year to 36% – in 2010. During the same period, the spread of the disease among primary school children and adolescents sharper – from 5-6% to more than 18%. Long term mass research body and nutrition 120 877 men and women opened in 2011, which The most weight gain is caused by potato chips. They are covered salt and contain fat that rewards the brain instantly feeling of pleasure. In addition, they have sugar, and not specially added, as contained in potato starch. All it makes chips a highly addictive product, almost a drug.

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