About Japanese Cannibal Restaurant: How fake news is born

About the Japanese restaurant for cannibals: how fake news is bornA photo from open sources

Information that the world’s first restaurant has opened in Japan for cannibals, circled almost all the media, not to mention all kinds of informational Internet resources. But let’s trace the birth of this piquant, exciting, but actually fake news.

Cannibalism in Japan? Yes, easily …

This was primarily due to the fact that Japan really not quite an ordinary country, and frankly speaking – completely unlike the Western world, where, as they themselves think Europeans, including Russians, anything can happen, any absurdity and phantasmagoria. After all, our imagination is amazing the fact that in the Land of the Rising Sun there are practically no sexual crime, however, creep in a crowded city transport to girls with sexually explicit intentions – here so commonplace that the authorities of megacities even have to, for example, in the subway, set women-only cars.

That’s why the news is that Tokyo has opened its first restaurant for the cannibal “Edible Brother” may have shocked a person European mentality, however, did not alert, but can is it to be at all? And then in the article, as if briefly mentioned, that cannibalism is allowed in the Land of the Rising Sun since 2014 of the year. Moreover, the Japanese were allegedly practically allowed to sell their “edible bodies”, say, caught in deadly car accidents, so their next of kin get for this compensation in the amount of 35 thousand Eurodollars (and right there given to compare prices in the restaurant “Edible Brother” – from a hundred up to a thousand Eurodollars per serving).

A photo from open sources

Further – more and more convincingly. It turns out first the person who visited this remarkable Tokyo restaurant, was a resident of Argentina who was very pleased with the sophistication dishes and the high level of service of this unique establishment catering …

In general, information about an unusual restaurant is increasingly overgrown piquant details, becoming reliable even for the most incorrigible Thomas unbeliever. Still, skeptics from journalists not everyone believed in this “truth”, but because some of them started, as they say among this fraternity, dig. And soon something dug up …

How fake news is born

It turns out that the news about the restaurant for cannibals “Edible brother” appeared July 12, 2016 in a satirical Spanish magazine La Voz Popular. The fabricated story was followed even photos of details of a piquant institution in Tokyo and many other fake details used by journalists most media, for example, April 1 – World Laughter Day. A here the satirical magazine joked … in the summer, somehow happened…

A photo from open sources

As it turned out, in Japan there is not only a cannibal restaurant, but also a law permitting cannibalism, not to mention others cannibalistic practices mentioned here. In the embassies of Japan (not in the Land of the rising sun itself to go on such nonsense?) were simply shocked by this information, calling it completely absurd. But here’s what is interesting, despite this absurdity, she just took root on the Internet, successfully moving first in the English-speaking space of the Internet, and then already migrated to Runet. They say she still couldn’t reach the Japanese Internet: really, who will spread it in the Country itself the rising sun? There turned out to be more tenacious another piquant news: the world’s first cannibal restaurant opens in Berlin …

However, by watching the video below, you will surely remain in deep doubt that this cannot be in a “civilized” Europe, which is becoming more unpredictable in its perverted views on marriages and with growing permissiveness literally in everything. Japan is much more modest in this regard …

Sun japan

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