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The voices of scientists against windmills and solar panels that are still considered harmless to ecology. For example, the well-known power engineer Staffan A. Quist in an article in the Wall Street Journal claims to RES are not able to solve the problem of providing humanity the necessary amount of electricity. Notice it said amid the fight against climate change caused by environmental problems that, as the scientist assures, can be solved today only with the help of nuclear energy.
Staffan A. Quist practically does not raise in his article the issue of environmental sustainability of renewable energy sources, about which there are so many shouting “green” and all supporters of the development of this type of energy. He simply states a fact: it’s too slowly developing, very costly and economically disadvantageous industry. If even the whole the world will move in this direction at a pace like the leader of renewable energy sources Germany, then in the next 20 years windmills and solar panels in at best they will give one fifth of the required amount electricity. And where to get the remaining four fifths? Achieve final victory (to completely free oneself from the fossil fuel) humanity will have at least 150-200 years, but for this time it will have time to destroy the Earth. And it’s quite possible that not the burning of hydrocarbons, namely windmills …
Besides the means and the irresistible stubbornness with which Germany developing its “clean energy”, in other countries it simply doesn’t. And it turns out that the optimistic hype around renewable energy – artificial, inflated by ignorance or even criminal intent.
A photo from open sources
Yes, the world needs a source of energy that does not emit in carbon dioxide atmosphere, emphasizes the scientist, and such a source are nuclear power plants. Today in the minds of people these power plants associated primarily with the Chernobyl tragedy, the consequences which the inhabitants of Ukraine allegedly still feel. However, here too it’s beneficial for someone to distort the facts, because the victims of the explosion Chernobyl NPP is much less than from other industrial accidents, but no one screams about them in the press for so long and hard.
Further, modern nuclear power plants are becoming more reliable, their scanty radioactive waste can not be compared with huge amount of toxic emissions from combustion hydrocarbons. However, it’s very beneficial for someone to maintain thermal power plants and vigorously attack nuclear. In doing so, note no one is attacking renewable energy. And why? Yes, because they are not for TPP competitors, and so, toys …
Thus, the main challenge facing today by humanity, is to remove the “shameful stigma” with nuclear energy and to develop it with gradual closure TPP. And windmills and solar panels will outlive themselves, like everyone else inefficient, and therefore uncompetitive in this world …
Germany Power Station