About the philosopher’s stone, the Holy Grail and manuscript Dunstan

On the philosopher's stone, the Holy Grail and the manuscript of DunstanA photo from open sources

Information about the philosopher’s stone has survived to our time, and many still believe that such a stone exists on business. Just in case, we recall that this concept does not mean a crystal and, of course, not a cobblestone, but a certain formula, using which medieval alchemists intended (or even knew how) turn “base metals” into gold.

But here’s what’s amazing: the secret of the philosopher’s stone for over a century stored under us, as they say, under the nose. Modern historians convinced that the unencrypted Dunstan manuscript found as times a little over a century ago, and contains that main formula, over which medieval alchemists fought.

A photo from open sources

It was traditionally believed that this manuscript is hidden Elixir of immortality recipe written by the hand of St. Dunstan Canterbury. However, Russian historians are ready to refute this version.

So, Dunstan is an English saint who lived in the X century. Accordingly, it could be assumed that his book contains some secrets connected with the soul and body of a person, but certainly not with in gold. However, not everything turned out to be so simple …

One of the pages of the mysterious manuscript of Dunstan

In one of the works of the famous Dutch scientist Jean Baptista van Helmont philosopher’s stone is described as “heavy viscous saffron powder.” Turns out to be van helmont witnessed the alchemists of King Rudolph II John Dee and his comrade Edward Kelly turned lead into gold.

In his memoirs, the eldest son of John Dee also writes that remembers such a process. As a child, he saw how received gold was poured into forms, and then, when the yellow metal cooled, the boy was allowed to play with him.

A photo from open sources

It is believed that Kelly and Dee, court mediums and alchemists, were the last to read the cipher program of Dunstan (others information simply has not been preserved). According to legend, philosophical they got the stone by chance.

One rainy autumn afternoon, Edward Kelly came to John’s house. Dee and said that in one ancient English monastery found a book dated, according to him, to the 12th century. This book has the cipher with which you can create tincture – brown powder, capable of turning any metal into gold.

Did Dee and Kelly manage to decipher the manuscript and make tincture? Indirectly historical facts confirm this. Making gold in Kelly allegedly was engaged, for which he paid for his head.

Kelly promised Rudolph the Second gold, and for this the king bestowed his alchemist with two small castles. However soon after unknown reason Kelly ended up in prison and three months later John Dee received a letter with the news that his partner was killed in the camera.

This happened in 1597, and shortly after the mysterious death Edward Kelly royal treasury increased by almost nine tons gold bars. As for the mysterious book, it surfaced only in 1912 in the shop of London antiquary Voynich. That’s what it is the manuscript of Dunstan, which is often called the Voynich manuscript.

A photo from open sources

Today, this artifact is stored in Yale Research. University it is believed that it can not be decrypted. Not less than more than eighty years in the world passes a peculiar Olympiad among those who want to be the first to solve this text. In her Both professionals and amateurs take part.

Was the book a fake?

The victory in the decryptors competition finally won … radiocarbon analysis since after this examination it turned out that the age of the parchment on which the manuscript was made, is only five hundred years old. Scientists concluded that the alchemist Edward Kelly turned out to be a brilliant hoaxer and a manuscript St. Dunstan – a fake, devoid of meaning.

But if so, then why are the supposedly invented letters by Kelly found in ancient manuscripts that were found in the most different corners of the earth? Maybe all of these mysterious signs? ..

Currently, scientists continue to decipher the manuscript; there is even an opinion that sixty-four characters are already unraveled. However, the details have not been disclosed, it is only known that in the decrypted part describes the relationship of a certain red stone with plants and objects.

Also does not hide the fact that the decryption of the manuscript produced using the “Book of knowledge”, which in the X century A.D. wrote the great Persian philosopher, scientist and doctor, known to us like Avicenna. There is a hypothesis that the Dunstan manuscript is one of Avicenna’s disappeared works, where he describes his experiments with some kind of stone, or a chemical compound, which he calls the Holy Grail.

Many sacred stories describe the Grail not as a cup, but as supernatural stone: it can heal ailments, make a person immortal, turn into noble ordinary metals.

A photo from open sources

It is known that at the end of life Avicenna – publicly and completely unexpectedly – called alchemy pseudoscience, and also burned part of his works. Or maybe he was so scared by the possibilities of red powder from the coded manuscript of Dunstan, for having mastered such mystery takes possession of the whole world ?!

Dutch philosopher and naturalist Benedict Spinoza also mentioned in his works on metaphysics the philosopher’s stone. He believed that look for a stone should be in a book written in the language of classified characters, – so alchemists hid their knowledge from the uninitiated. Not it is possible that Spinoza meant by this precisely the manuscript Dunstan.

They say that time puts everything in its place. And even if Dustan’s manuscript will not be in the coming years (decades) deciphered, and a philosopher’s stone – found, it only means one thing: modern society is not ready for such a “gift” because he would bring down the whole economic model of mankind and lead to global disaster …

Time Stones

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