Sound weapons have been known since biblical times, still warriors Ancient India used in the battles wind pipes, loud and the unpleasant sound of which put the enemy to flight. The Palestinian city of Jericho “was destroyed by Jewish tribes in late II millennium BC e. According to biblical tradition, its walls collapsed from the sounds of the conquerors’ pipes. Photo from open sources From a very loud sound in humans can burst eardrums and he will lose his hearing while infrared sound vibrations can cause cardiac arrest. Not surprisingly, acoustic weapons have found use today. In particular, to protect against sea pirates. As known, modern sea robbers prey mainly in the Indian the ocean on busy sea lanes. In November 2005, the Pirates tried to attack a cruise ship off the coast of Somalia. This one countries in the last fifteen years there is no clear political course, governments are constantly changing as a result of coups. This is probably why pirate raids are so frequent off the coast of Somalia. More than 25 ships were attacked in the waters of Somalia in 2005, including including a vessel chartered by the UN for the transport of humanitarian aid, destined for the starving of this poorest African country. Early in the morning of November 5, the Sea Spirit liner was 160 km from East coast of Africa. Several boats without identification signs surrounded the ship. Pirates fired, one missile hit the side ship, although it did not cause fatal destruction. Team “Marine spirit “was aware of the dangers of the local waters, so on board there was a sound weapon LRAD – acoustic device broad action. This device was originally developed in US Secret Labs. However, now about its characteristics can be found on the website of the American Technology Corporation, which produces the device. LRAD is a big metal “plate” with a diameter of 84 cm and a weight of 24 kg and can generate sound with a frequency of 2100 to 3100 kHz with a volume of 150 decibel. For comparison, the engines of supersonic Concord produce sound with a volume of 110 decibels. Device focuses a sound wave in an angle from 15 to 30 degrees, creating a peculiar a stinging ray. Range of action of the weapon – 300 m. Cost devices 34 thousand dollars.
A photo from open sources Enabled at maximum power LRAD can forever deprive the adversary of hearing. Working on small power device makes him leave the battlefield. “American technology corporation “emphasizes that their action the device is not fatal, it is rather psychological weapons. It is no accident that LRAD is often called the “Jericho Pipe”. It was the “Jericho Trumpet” that made the pirates intend clear the wallets of the wealthy vacationers in the luxurious cabins of the Sea spirit “, retreat. Initially, LRAD was developed by order military department for verbal communication over long distances. FROM 2000 “Jericho Trumpet” began to appear on warships USA. It is known that among the developments of the “American technological corporations “there are more modern LRAD analogues that are capable of cause “behavior modification”, i.e. force the aggressor renounce violence by turning the wolf into a quiet sheep. Like that weapons are effective in suppressing an angry mob, for example, in time of prison riots or during the dispersal of street demonstrations. USA tried to use acoustic weapons during Operation Desert Storm during the liberation of Kuwait in 1991. More advanced weapons LRAD was used during the current US wars against Iraq, in the streets of Fallujah and Baghdad. American troops used it before the invasion of the city to drive population at home and crush resistance. Weapons were used and in New Orleans in the city destroyed by the typhoon Katrina to disperse the looters. It’s likely that acoustic weapons, similar to LRAD, Israel also applies against the Arabs. Reportedly Palestinian news agencies last year airplanes Israeli aircraft flew over the Palestinian territories at night, producing a creepy rumble. The raids took place every hour. According to official Palestinian Ministry of Health statements sound produced by aircraft, caused nasal in the civilian population bleeding, increased blood pressure, and in some cases even heart failure. According to some sources, sound weapons tried to develop engineers of military factories in the Nazi Germany. However, the Nazis needed a deadly weapon, and the acoustic weapon is not, therefore, it did not receive wide distribution. The development of sound weapons Secret laboratories in the West and the USSR during the Cold War era. Acoustic Jericho trumpets were seen as a means intimidation, no doubt, it is used by secret services. IN Great Britain has been using the LRAD analogue since 2005 the name “Mosquito”. This device produces an annoying sound very high frequency that most adults do not hear (found that by the age of twenty people are already partially losing hearing abilities). Mosquito used to disperse street gangs youths who often rob shops. The device calls a peculiar “Pavlov effect” – where once a teenager heard an unpleasant sound, it no longer appears. Mosquitoes were used during international summits to disperse antiglobalists. The device has The range is from 15 to 20 meters and costs only 580 pounds. how see, acoustic weapons serve good purposes. However not it is possible that both terrorists and “catchers” can use it human souls, “which in this way can subjugate themselves people.
USA Time War