Adult Indian with a six-month body baby

Adult Indian with the body of a six-month-old babyPhoto from open sources

Punjab Indian resident Manpreet Singh (Manprita Singh) quite an adult man at the age of 21, however (see photo) he looks like a baby, albeit a very strange sight.

The development of this Indian stopped at the age of six months, and he still has only 58 centimeters in height and weighs about 7 kilograms. This is the smallest adult on our planet. True, the development of Manprit stopped in infancy only bodily, for example, he cannot walk, but also talk, too, that is, like all six month old babies. Until six months, he developed ok and then, as his mother says, suddenly development broke, and doctors just shrug.

A photo from open sources

We tried to treat Manprit with folk remedies, and with expensive modern medicines – nothing helped. On more thorough examination and some possible operations with parents this strange kid just has no money.

A photo from open sources

The boy has a younger sister and brother, but they are the most common children developing without any deviations.

A photo from open sources

As doctors say, such anomalies in the development that occurred with Manpreet Singh, the rarest in the world. Last similar case concerned twenty-year-old American Brooke Greenberg, who in this aged died in 2013, remaining physically and mentally development at the level of a six-month-old baby. In the same 2013 in information about a resident of Brazil, Maria, slipped into the world press Dressed Nascimento, who at 32 years old looked all indicators ten-month-old child.

A photo from open sources

Doctors say that the reason for such a malfunction in the development of the child there may be a shortage of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. A that’s why this happens – no one knows yet.

A photo from open sources

In India, the inhabitants believe that this sign is from above, and for the villagers, the amazing baby of Manprit Singh, is simply a saint. Every day people come to worship him and ask him about help. It is said that the baby demigod helps everyone who asks. Here only help yourself become a normal person can…

A photo from open sources


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