After four years of living together – divorce

After four years of marriage - a divorcePhoto from open sources

According to the American anthropologist Helen Fisher (Ratgersky University), modern couples tend to break after four years of marriage because our distant ancestors.

Fisher made this discovery by collecting material for her book, dedicated to monogamy, betrayal and divorce. Having analyzed the data regarding divorces in various countries, the author noted that most often people disagree in the fourth year of their joint life (despite the fact that the average marriage in developed countries lasts seven years).

According to Helen Fisher, this behavior is a relic of the distant of the past. In the societies of our ancestors engaged in hunting and by gathering, women gave birth to babies approximately every four of the year. At the age of four, the child at that distant time passed to educate the tribe, parents got the opportunity to find for a new partner, which contributed to an increase in genetic diversity.

Fisher also believes that nature helps answer why many spouses diverge when their children grow up. Anthropologist draws a parallel with the world of fauna. So, the majority of birds (90%) form couples with the goal of raising and raising offspring. When the chicks begin to lead an independent life, such “family union” is breaking up.

A similar pattern is observed in most species. mammals: only 5% of them create long family alliances. Interestingly, primates (and we are also primates) have this indicator above: 25% of their species are monogamous.

A life

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