After talking on Facebook, people cry and are upset

After talking on Facebook, people cry and get upset.A photo from open sources

Social networks do not bring happiness to users. Happiness – this is when they understand you. This phrase from the old movie has already become classic to define the most coveted feeling. And this people have always sought understanding in communication, including, in the last time – and in social networks. Communicating with the whole world through social networks Facebook, 500 million people feel like they’re always in touch with hundreds of “friends”.

And they want to get positive emotions from these contacts. But this virtual communication, as it turned out, does not make users happy. TO This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Michigan (USA). Researchers say that instead of satisfying the innate needs of a person in communication social network Facebook enhances the feeling dissatisfaction with life and depression. Psychologists say: people do not can feel satisfied with life if they have to support hundreds of virtual contacts. During the study scientists interviewed 82 adult Facebook users, having access to your page via smartphone.

For two weeks, five times a day, researchers sent these volunteers post with questions: “How are you feeling right now? “,” How worried are you now? “,” How much are you feeling lonely now? “,” How often did you go to your account since our last survey? “.

In the end, it turned out that the more people spent time online Facebook, the worse they felt, the stronger it declined level of satisfaction with their own lives. While communication with people directly, even if not with the most pleasant for person, did not bring so clearly negative consequences. Other studies in Spain also showed: the more the person of “friends” on social networks, the more unhappy he is. One of Reasons: Social Media Provides Too Positive Version other people’s lives.

Life time

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