Air sellers rule the world

The air sellers rule the worldPhotos from open sources of

Why year after year life in the world rises in price, inflation is rising, loan does not help, but becomes a rope on the neck? How come that the whole world believed in the myth of freedom and bought it for fabulous money?

It would seem incredible, but the history of mankind should have been to develop completely differently. Adolf Hitler, illiterate corporal, not would come to power in Germany. World War II is simply not would break out. The first gas chamber, the drawings of which were made prison dentist Turner would have stayed in his patient imagination. The atomic bomb would only be a bright theory. IN The Soviet Union would not have begun repression.

People enthusiastically built a better life. New ones were printed money, prohibition included, jazz, sound movie, mini-skirts, penicillin … History went on … until the fateful day June 24, 1922 This date is not included in the textbooks. This day is almost no did not notice, however, it was on June 24 at noon that someone translated invisible arrows – and the heavy locomotive of history rolled down a completely different way.

Air sellers appeared in the world, the construction of the incredible and terrible pyramid that ultimately turned our civilization into a matrix.

In the proposed film:

– the whole truth about the American dollar, which you do not recognize from newspapers and lectures on economics;

– how the idea of ​​absolute freedom for 17 trillion dollars was sold to humanity? Who invented this and why do people continue to pay?

– why every economic crisis makes the rich richer, and the poor – poorer?

– who and how constantly controls our consciousness?

– the secrets of the richest scammers in history who are millionaires and the kings themselves offered money;

– why were sorcerers always rich? What secret do they convey by inheritance?

– what methods and technologies do psychics use and modern magicians and why their sessions are similar to theatrical representation?

– and much more.

You want to know about the global pyramid, parts of which are we all? Watch the video.

Money Life Pyramids

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