Alien aircraft circling over Yellowstone park

Alien aircraft circling over Yellowstone ParkA photo from open sources

A certain Jeanette Forest, an American who is seriously worried threatened by a supervolcano, the other day shot on a camcorder as several UFOs circled over Yellowstone National Park, which leads her to the idea: aliens are also worried that the fire-breathing monster has recently clearly intensified.

Jeanette has been watching this area for several years, since Yellowstone Volcano and the park as a whole, teeming with geysers, attracts the attention of not only earthlings, but also aliens. By this the reason here is quite often UFOs appear. For example, in the account American women have more than a dozen such records, and all of them confirm that various extraterrestrial vehicles fly here, that makes it possible to make Jeanette speculation: super volcano many representatives of the alien mind are interested, apparently worried about the fate of our earth.

Most likely, the researcher continues, under herself Yellowstone Park has alien bases as places there are many (about nine hundred thousand hectares of land), besides for some unknown reason, the US government is not building anything here and even limited all human activity: apparently, something knows or guesses.

The video presented by Jeanette Forest captures several UFO: one large triangular, not less than one hundred meters wide, which flies and rotates, the second in the form of a traditional disk-shaped the flying saucer is again of enormous size, and beyond it some small plates. Very similar to a whole UFO flotilla, commented on the video by Scott Waring. There is no doubt added the ufologist that Yellowstone National Park today becomes too hot a spot on Earth, if only it can an alien mind to prevent or at least move this planetary catastrophe? Apparently this question being studied and something will definitely be undertaken. After all, aliens more than once saved our civilization from death, we recall at least preventing the onset of atomic warfare. So let’s hope …

Yellowstone Scott Waring

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