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In December 1973, the Frenchman Claude Vorillon was lucky. While walking along the crater of the extinct volcano Puy de Lyasol he witnessed the landing of aliens. The green men were very kind to vorion.
Not only did they tell the secrets of the universe, they solved the mystery the origin of mankind and explained how people live on, so one last ride on a flying saucer. After that monsieur Voriyon declared himself the prophet of a new religion and called himself Razlem— “messenger” … The future forecaster was born on September 30, 1946 in the town of Vichy, famous for its mineral waters. At school Claude studied poorly, but was ambitious and dreamed at all costs become famous and get rich. Therefore, at the age of 15, he left his homeland and went to conquer Paris. For starters, took the pseudonym Claude Saye and began to sing chanson, but never gained popularity. Leaving the stage failed chansonnier began to try his hand at car racing and journalism, even published a magazine about race cars. But neither journalism, not a car race, have brought Voryon wealth and fame. The case helped – that same historical meeting in the vent volcano.
Photos from open sources
To begin with, Voriyon published the “Message transmitted by aliens,” in which he placed the revelations of talkative aliens. As reported Frenchman, 25 thousand years ago, representatives arrived on Earth highly developed civilization, which is 9,000 billion light years from Earth – quite close to us, but the Elohim — so called themselves aliens – covered this distance in just two months, moving “with the speed of radiation.” Humanoids cloned the first humans and gave the beginning of humanity. Since then, the Elohim have been invisibly watching earthlings, and by 2035 they plan to clone and send teachers to the Earth and the prophets of antiquity – Moses, Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mohammed, to establish a new world order – harmonious and perfect. Mission is Rael – to prepare humanity for this meeting.
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Voronion’s teaching was not very original – something Swiss Erich von Daniken had already said similar things before him. Rather of all, Voriyon, to put it mildly, borrowed his ideas predecessor, passing off as their own. A flair of the Frenchman must pay tribute: in the 1970s in Europe and America, everyone was obsessed with UFOs and aliens, but because any message on this topic was doomed to success. As for the exposure, Rael has nothing to fear – hardly he he will survive until 2035. By the end of 1974, around the energetic a Frenchman formed a group of like-minded people from about two hundred human. They caught every word of the teacher and read his book to holes. But this was not enough for Rael – he wanted power over everything by humanity. How to achieve this? With the help of sex!
In a community that a few years later a former race car driver founded in in the Canadian city of Quebec, he began to preach free love. Members of the commune openly practiced “sensual meditations, “and at seminars that the guru held at different points world, practiced group intercourse. It was pretty bold even in those years when the whole world was undergoing a sexual revolution. Therefore, Rael showed up many new supporters. With time spilled movement gained strength and spread throughout the world. But Rael knew his job tightly: all members of the sect were obliged to give in a sect fund a tenth of their income.
Rael flourished. However, this did not last long. Finally the world is tired of the sexual revolution, family values came from people to the fore, and the sect spilled into the shadows. Rael fussed. Together with his followers he began to fight with coffee, tobacco and drugs, as well as with all world religions, which supposedly distort the truth bequeathed by the gods. It had some effect, in new adherents were drawn to the sect, but in insufficient, as believed Rael, quantity. He still dreamed of world domination. Then the newly arrived prophet decided to play on another. For example, on homosexuality, which was just beginning to emerge from the underground. The trick worked, and representatives immediately went into the sect non-traditional sexual orientation. Since then, Rael began to hold nose upwind. Today the creed of the elite is real vinaigrette. The sect preaches abortion, homosexuality and euthanasia – all that contributes to the reduction in numbers humanity and impedes the normal reproduction of offspring. Rael assures that man is a god and must learn himself reproduce copies of oneself and thus achieve immortality. It is not surprising that special attention is paid to spilled cloning, which should provide people with eternal life. The enterprising Frenchman promises that everyone who pays him 200 thousand dollars, scientists clone for a new life on a new The earth.
Photos from open sources
In evidence of this, at the end of December 2002, based in Canada, the Raelites sect announced the birth of their first a cloned child – a girl who was named, of course, Eve. Rael without a shadow of embarrassment told reporters that his commune engaged in cloning experiments since 1997, when she was a strictly conspiracy company “Cloneid” was created. And hit again in the top ten! The news impressed as a bomb exploded, and in for several weeks world news agencies vying kept talking about ralit, attended their press conferences, invited them leaders in the television studio, broadcast their absurd statements. What and to speak, Rael, a former reporter himself, knows journalism very well the kitchen and how no one knows how to cook up a sensation. In addition, for their the sect’s statements chose a very good moment – between western christmas and happy new year when reporters are experiencing real hunger for news and are ready to seize on any message, at least a little fit to get on the front page newspapers. So the sect with the help of ordinary fake managed to get almost the entire world press for free advertising. And again Rael got his way. After his speech, the sect turned more than two thousand childless couples who have lost hope of having a baby. Meanwhile, the sect just as unprovenly announced the birth of another one clone (in the “family” of Dutch lesbians) and the appearance in in the near future four more children are born. There have already rebelled scientists and the church demanded evidence from the leader of the realities. Of course, the sectarians refused to provide them. However it is not prevents some couples who are desperate to have a baby or those who have lost children, carry the last money in the sect. To questions about what the money donated to the movement is used for representatives of realities without a shadow of embarrassment answer: to propaganda ideas conveyed to Rael by the elohim (leaflets, announcements, lectures, website, etc.). However, the lion’s share of donations allegedly intended for the construction of a special embassy – for official invitation of the Elohim to Earth. Building this the object, according to realtors, is a matter of the near future. So in confirmation of their words representatives of the Lithuanian wing of the realities sent a letter to the president and government asking for permission the construction of an embassy for aliens. Then, as usual, they arranged press conference at which they seriously discussed what they wanted the location of the future embassy and the benefits of such construction not only for Lithuania, but for the whole Earth. Only Lithuanian the government for some reason is still pondering … Love SHAROVA “Secrets and mysteries. Steps” December 2012
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