A photo from open sources
UFOs are as real as our usual helicopters and planes, which even inveterate skeptics were convinced of when American Act on Freedom of Information. Thereby document the public gained access to some earlier classified documents of the Air Force, the CIA and the FBI.
Why hide the truth about UFOs
Since in June 1947, businessman Kenneth Arnold watched flying saucers over the Cascade Mountains (Washington state), all kinds of UFO publications regularly appear in periodic editions, and now on the Internet. Having read incredible stories about extraterrestrial ships and aliens, ordinary people ask a reasonable question: “Is space messengers come to us?”
A photo from open sources
In response to this question, authorities in various countries explained the phenomenon. UFO hallucinations, atmospheric phenomena, errors in observations and just jokes. Needless to say, such explanations do not could satisfy serious researchers and those people who personally Faced this unusual phenomenon.
At one time, a book was published by the famous American astronomer Donald Menzel (whose customer is believed to have been the authorities), where the author, exploring the UFO phenomenon, referred to atmospheric phenomena, airplane lights or reflected light. This book was translated and released in the USSR – apparently pursuing the same goal: reduce interest population to this topic. It should be noted that this work is practically seemed to all very far-fetched and boring. Eyewitnesses who described their observations turned out to be narrow-minded, limited people, since they took for a unidentified flying object a ball lightning, then a falling meteorite, then the light of a lighthouse.
In a word, the official point of view did not recognize the UFO phenomenon. AND only after decades, thanks to the act “On freedom of information” was declassified a number of documents from which it became known that the american government and intelligence since 1947 by all means misinformed and discredited this phenomenon in the eyes of a wide public, but in reality they studied very seriously UFO problem. Recent Publications and Military Recognitions testify that in the Soviet Union, and later in Russia It was the same way.
UFO – not a hallucination and not a figment of the imagination
The level of secrecy of UFO research was such that, according to one of the documents, the military did not allow the FBI agent to the flying saucer at their disposal that was discovered in Louisiana. According to American ufologists, UFO theme was more classified than hydrogen the bombs.
A photo from open sources
But why was the arrival of reasonable on our Earth secret alien creatures? According to the military and politicians, unveiling such information could provoke international political, economic and even religious crisis. Also the cold war was in full swing, and therefore the opportunity to seize the secrets of alien technology seemed very tempting.
While far from the main secrets are revealed
Despite the foregoing, a large amount of information about aliens are still classified, and it is possible that many secrets we will never know. Some ufologists say that US military and intelligence agencies have 30-35 crashed or captured UFOs, as well as 100-150 alien bodies that belong to three different varieties of humanoids.
John Lear, an American ufologist, talks about April 25th 1964 official contact between the american government and space aliens. Several cameras shot in the area Holloman airbase, as previously agreed, landed three UFO (about 20 thousand meters of film was used).
In 1996, a senior official in conversation with Ufologist Dan Pinkas said that this meeting is really took place. During her aliens passed the bodies of aliens, killed in the crash near Roswell.
A photo from open sources
Will the truth about aliens ever be known to earthlings or the bulk of the sensational data will be stored under a signature stamp in the archives of special services and the military? Time will tell, because to foresee the future, especially in this aspect, is not it seems possible to anyone so far. And the prophets are silent about it, too silent …
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