Photo from open sources
Today, almost any unknown is called chupacabra by the media. animal science. “Chupacabra” has become synonymous with the words “monster”, “monster”, “monster”, etc. Few people know where it came from and what means this compound word that we already pronounce without hesitations. Like any other, the story of chupacabra has its own Start. To learn all about chupacabra, start with it and we.
Chupacabra appears
For the first time, chupacabra hit the pages of newspapers in the 70s of the XX century. In Puerto Rico, the shepherd Enrico Hernandez lost 8 goats in one night. They are were not torn or torn apart. They just died. Enrico first I didn’t even understand what caused the death of animals. He started carve carcasses (do not waste good!) and it turned out that not in one of them has no blood. He carefully examined the corpses again and then found on the neck of each goat 2 holes through which an unknown vampire sucked blood from animals.
A few days later, a second such case was registered, then the third. And then for the first time “el chupacabras” sounded – sucking goats. Farmers opened the hunt for the creature, but attacks stopped as suddenly as they started. History so would remain a local horror story if in 20 years the attacks did not resume with a vengeance.
Chupacabra is back
Now the area of attack has expanded significantly. Messages came from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador. A vampire appeared in South America (Brazil, Venezuela) and in border with Mexico US states. In all cases, the beast did not tear and did not eat prey, and sucked blood from it. The victims were not only goats, but and llamas, dogs, cats, rabbits, even chickens and ducks. Meat of the slain animals got a strange taste, and was unfit for food. Even carrion-eating animals and birds did not eat it. Like the 20th years earlier, attacks stopped as suddenly as have begun.
Has anyone seen this terrible night killer? Seen it. AND there were many such people.
What does chupacabra look like
The vampire was not invisible. Many people have seen him (or claimed to have seen). Based on numerous descriptions compiled a generalized portrait of chupacabra. This is a 1.5 meter creature a cross between a man and a kangaroo, quickly moving on hind limbs, jumping, climbing trees. On the head and the back spikes forming a comb. And huge red eyes. (Tales of how chupacabra breaks bars from rebar and opens simple locks, we will classify them as legends.)
At the same time, there are descriptions that significantly deviate from canonical appearance. This gives some scientists reason to say that chupacabra is not one animal, but a whole group, the unifying feature of which is the way of nutrition.
Periodically, photos and videos appear in the media chupacabra. All of them are made by lay people, of poor quality. Scientists give their opinion on the basis of such weak material categorically refuse. Now, if there was a skin and bones … There was also skin, there were bones.
Chupacabra comes across
Photo from open sources
No matter where the chupacabra appears, bearing from its “activity” farmers began hunting for losses. Sooner or later, someone should have been lucky. In August 2000, lost several goats Nicaraguan Jorge Luis Talavera was ambushed with a rifle, and at night the vampire following his next batch of blood got his own. Local newspapers sang praise to the lucky shooter. To the village Representatives of the National University arrived at Malpaisillo Nicaragua (UNAN) to collect the remains of the monster for exploration.
Soon a conclusion came from Managua: a farmer shot a feral a dog. There was a plot on TV in which UNAN scientists showed pictures shot by the beast Talavera and convinced the audience not to believe tales-horror stories about the terrible chupacabra: “This is all superstition, sleep citizens are calm. ”
Talavera was openly indignant: “Didn’t I see the dogs ?! Creature the pictures have nothing to do with the monster whom I shot down “In the last Jorge, Luis was supported by the mayor of Malpaisillo, who saw the corpse of a chupacabra. Who replaced the Talavera trophy and why? Did the simple desire to calm the population lie at the heart of the substitution, or were there other reasons? Questions, questions.
Strange fuss around a monster
The case with Talavera is the most famous (since it ended in loud scandal), but not the only one. The people who saw the chupacabra constantly convinced that they imagined. Victims reimbursed losses, if only they did not make noise. Photos and videos declared hoaxes. Rare remains of the nightfall that fell into the hands of vampires are withdrawn for study and subsequently declared to be remains dogs, coyote or foxes. All these oddities give rise to believing that chupacabra is more than just unknown animal science. The most diverse versions of origin appear the beast.
One of the most popular versions – there is a chupacabra the result of ongoing biological experiments. Who and with which purpose grows a monster – options of darkness. Did it break free contrary to the wishes of the creators or was intentionally released – you can fortune-telling forever. This version explains the sudden appearance chupacabra and its sudden disappearance. Runaway / Released Monster I could not adapt to life in the wild and died. And so on until the next times. Then the desire of the authorities to hide all occurrences is understandable chupacabra.
There is a version that these are biorobots created by extraterrestrial civilization, their goal is the collection of genetic material. After that, as the task is completed, robots leave the Earth. Some see in chupacabra representatives of parallel worlds. Which of all versions proves true – time will tell. Perhaps there is still today not considered options.
Chupacabra settles
In the meantime, chupacabra is moving around the planet. In 2003, she “noted” in Ternopil, Kharkov, Kiev, Chernihiv, Cherkasy and Lviv regions. By 2014 I got to Kyrgyzstan, Nizhny Novgorod region and Moscow region. Last post about chupacabra came from the philippines.
Time Kangaroo Mexico Monsters Robots Dogs Chupacabra