A photo from open sources
Since the beginning of the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine, the Russian border already crossed more than 140 thousand inhabitants of this country, said the senator Victor Bushmin. The FMS of the Russian Federation also notes a sharp increase in calls from Ukrainian citizens asking for asylum in Russia, and also Russian citizenship. “According to the border service, from the beginning events in Ukraine 143 thousand have already left the territory of Ukraine in RF, “Bushmin said at an extraordinary meeting of the upper house in 1 Martha. A senator representing the Rostov Region said that in His region has already begun to prepare places for refugees. Federal the migration service of the Russian Federation also notes a sharp increase in calls from Ukrainian citizens asking for asylum in Russia, and also Russian citizenship. Statements from law enforcement and representatives of state bodies of Ukraine will be considered as soon as possible deadlines, the head of the department for issues told reporters citizenship of the FMS of Russia Valentina Kazakova. “Tragic events on Ukraine sharply increased the number of appeals to territorial bodies of the FMS of Russia of citizens of this state for providing shelters in our territory. We monitor these daily appeals, and the numbers are not comforting. For the last two weeks of February about 143 thousand people have already applied. Heavy load they are experiencing border areas with Ukraine. People confused, frightened, emotionally depressed, “- quotes the words Cossack agency RIA Novosti. According to Kazakova, increased the number of applications from citizens of Ukraine residing in the territory of Russia.
Russia Ukraine