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Not everyone knows that in the Jagdish Indian Botanical Garden Chandra Bose, located in Haor, grows amazing tree with the largest crown area on the planet. 250 year old Bengal ficus named Great Banyan tree covers the area over one and a half hectares and has about 3300 aerial roots, which look like trunks. Many travelers cannot to believe that they are not in the forest, albeit small, but among processes of a single tree.
A photo from open sources
Inside such a “grove” is a ring 350-meter path, making this place a bit like a park under a green tent. IN in some places, the height of the ficus reaches 25 meters. Origin and The exact age of the Great Banyan tree is a mystery, however for certain it is known that during its long history the tree has survived a lot disasters. So, in the years 1864-1867 it was damaged by cyclones, and to 1925 its main trunk was destroyed by lightning, and then another and fungus.
A photo from open sources
Despite the fact that the mother trunk of the ficus had to be removed, The great banyan tree survived such an “operation” and continued to grow and develop. After that, he technically turned from a tree into called a clonal colony, i.e. a group genetically identical plants with one common root system. For the last for three decades, the area of the Great Banyan has expanded by almost 8100 square meters. Theoretically, a miracle tree can grow breadth infinitely long.
A photo from open sources
Arabinda Pramanik, a longtime employee of the Botanical Garden, says that the space around the Great Banyan tree is specially cleared with The goal is to provide ficus with space for further growth. Look after plant is quite difficult, so for this a team of 13 experienced professionals. Data workers water the tree, monitor so that it does not hurt, and also “train” its roots, directing their growth in the right directions through special channels from split bamboo tubes.
A photo from open sources
In India, Bengal ficus is highly revered and sacred. a tree. Among the followers of Hinduism, it symbolizes longevity of life and is considered one of the many reincarnation of the god of creation of Brahma. In Buddhism, banyan trees also have great importance, because, according to legend, the Buddha sat once under such a tree seven days, reaching the spiritual enlightenment. In addition, it is claimed that these plants possess healing energy.
India Plants