Amazing predatory discovered in Canada plant

An amazing predatory plant discovered in CanadaPhoto from open sources

Biologists at the University of Guelph in the Canadian city of Ontario found a plant of the pitcher family, which has not even has names, but it can be attributed to a rare predatory representative of the flora, which feeds on small animals.

Among his victims, as it turned out, not only small insects and spiders, surveillance camera installed near the pond in Algonkinsky Ontario Park, captures the moment a predator plant caught a small salamander from among the young. Later researchers found that in every fifth water lily there was one, or even two such salamanders. That is, this predator plant did not only feed spiders and flies, but also amphibians.

Scientists thought this predator was very unexpected for science. a plant. Such representatives of the flora are very rare, but so that they chose amphibians for their dinner – this is generally unique phenomenon. By the way, an amazing water lily, as scientists have determined, it takes almost twenty days to kill, and then digest the salamander. But she no longer escapes from her captivity maybe, no matter how hard it tries: the predator is not only “cunning and treacherous”, but also possessing a certain strength, despite his modest and pretty attractive look.

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