A photo from open sources
More truly, almost found, since discovered here so far only boxes in which this treasure is supposedly hidden Russian Empire.
Underground flooded gallery under the bunker of World War II (the headquarters of the fascist general Otto Lyash, now in the bunker – a museum “Dugout”) historian Sergei Trofimov discovered a long time ago. Three years ago his team finally got permission to examine dungeons however break through the concrete floor and inspect the gallery with Using the probe, scientists could only today.
Their efforts were crowned with success – the probe showed the presence of water large sealed boxes (see photo, in the right picture a linear designation of boxes by the author is made), in which, as I am sure Sergey Trofimov, and the famous Amber Room is kept. His confidence is backed up by some historical research and facts about which he is silent so far.
A photo from open sources
The historian also told that besides the Amber Room in the basement of the bunker is likely to store four and a half tons Gold Dresdender Bank. Now it only remains to penetrate the basement and get all these wealth. But the entrance to the dungeon has not yet been discovered, despite his thorough search. Although it should be somewhere near the Museum “Bunker”.
In the next photo you can see a diagram of the underground gallery, drawing S. Trofimova.
A photo from open sources
According to the historian, the bunker also keeps other secrets and treasures, for example, a unique bronze statue of Kant, which is somewhere walled up in the wall. There is an explanation for this strange behavior. fascists: according to the historian, the statue of Kant could protect them from shells and bombs, like the grave of the great philosopher (not a single one fell on it one shell or bomb, although everything around them was destroyed by them). The commandant of Koenigsberg, says Trofimov, could use the statue for similar magical defense forces. By the way, only got into the bunker one shell, and even that one went tangentially without causing any headquarters the slightest harm.