America: how the empire collapses

America: how the empire is collapsingA photo from open sources “Cards are rigged,” writes Senator Elizabeth Warren in his new book, A Chance to Win. They are “rigged” because the oligarchs and their lobbyists have already established profitable for themselves rules of the game. This is manifested in tax legislation and bankruptcy laws that serve the most convenient in American stories a tool for moving states from representatives middle class in the bottomless pockets of the richest members society. Result?

America has more billionaires today than anywhere else on the planet. At the same time, none of the American cities entered the list of the most suitable cities for living. None of American airports are not in the top 100 best airports in the world. American bridges, highways and railways crumble and falling apart, and the middle class is fading away, because in over the past three decades, wage levels practically did not change, while one percent of the population enjoys 95 percent of economic profits.

Established tax laws and bloated military the budget leads to depletion of federal government revenues and individual state governments. That means America today more and more reminiscent of a country of “second grade” and new data also indicate an alarming decline in intellectual resources countries.

Over the past three decades, the Republican Party has earned many attacks for the very idea of ​​public education. Tax cuts for the rich were balanced by cuts education expenses.

During the New Deal (Roosevelt Reforms, aimed at overcoming the Great Depression; approx. mixednews) c 1940s through 1970s, public schools became the “equalizer” American society. They were a great achievement. Public schools provided universal education for all. Today, decent education is available only those children who are lucky to be born in a wealthy family or live in a rich area. Distribution Strategy for public education leaves parents in essence only two possibilities: send children to either a commercial school or to theological seminary.

“Which society will come out of this in the future is hard to say. However, after spending some time in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – constantly warring abyss, where only half of the schoolchildren age attends classes, I can say with confidence that not I want to live there, “writes Chuck Thompson.

Comparing with the Democratic Republic of the Congo is not so absurd as it might seem at first glance, given the data of the latter Report of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. This the report is the first large-scale study of how do adults possess the necessary in today’s world skills, including the ability to write, read, count and others elementary applied knowledge. The results were horrific. According to the report, 36 million adult Americans have very low proficiency in elementary skills.

Further worse. In two of the three categories (ability to account and technical skills) young Americans who just starting their career (16 to 24 years old) showed the worst results among all age categories (from 16 to 65 years old). The successes of young people in the long run were few it’s better.

America: how the empire is collapsingA photo from open sources

In the United States there is a huge gap between the best workers and worst workers. The giant chasm divides and results of young people from wealthy educated families parents and offspring of poor, uneducated parents. Exactly the same stratification is observed in the countries of the Third World – super educated elite, uneducated lower classes of society, and almost nothing in the middle.

The report also shows a direct link between education. person and his income.

“The way literacy is distributed among different groups population is directly dependent on income distribution in society. If adults have low reading and account, it’s more difficult for them to organize work and master raising technology productivity. This, in turn, has impact on living standards, “the authors of the report write.

There is an undeniable link between literacy, mathematical, technical skills and field of activity, salary increase, productivity, health status, as well as social life and political involvement. Inequality Skills are closely linked to income inequality.

In other words, the American educational system does not meets the requirements of the new global world, and its prospects sad, given the decision of the right to continue to cut spending on public education. In right controlled american In the south you can clearly see the right-wing strategy in action. Thousands families refuse to educate their children in schools or feed their religious ignorance.

These Republican-controlled states become centers widespread degradation of public education. Therefore, with regard to the global economy, the United States in the future, rather will be in the same company with Indonesia and Tanzania than with Japan and By Sweden.

Despite the prestige and high cost, study by study show that academic results of children from private schools do not surpass the results of students in state schools. But the connection between a strong state system learning and social mobility in society demonstrated in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report more than clearly.

In 2006, a report from the University of Virginia was published, which showed that the states with the highest average IQ population give, as a result, a larger gross product, these citizens have better health matters, their governments work with greater efficiency and the lower the crime rate.

In other words, the more society invests in the public education, the more it becomes smarter, healthier, safer and wealthier financially.

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