A photo from open sources The main reasons that interfere with young Americans get into the service – it’s obesity, lack of certificate, criminal record and drug addiction. Often a hindrance may become some changes in appearance, very popular among young people, such as extensive tattoos and tunnels in earlobes According to the Pentagon, more than two-thirds American youth between the ages of 17 and 24 are unsuitable for service in the army due to health problems, education, and behavioral deficiencies. According to the head of recruiting Major General Allen Batschelet’s team, only 1% of young people fully suitable for military service. Main reasons that stop young Americans from joining the service – it’s obesity, lack of certificate, criminal record and drug addiction. Often some changes in appearance can become an obstacle, popular among young people, such as extensive tattoos and “tunnels” in the earlobes.
In accordance with the rules, which entered into force on May 1, soldiers can have no more than four visible tattoos below the elbows and knees. The size of the tattoos should be relatively small. By According to experienced recruiters, these restrictions are necessary to the army looked professional. Applicants with tattoos in the wrong places and “tunnels” in the ears do not even reach the stage of the interview.
Obesity, poor academic performance and other problems that impede military service, led to the formation of a mission, which included 90 retired military. Their main task is to bring to the problem attention of officials and find a solution. They also lobby the program. to improve school nutrition and access to secondary education.
“We want the authorities to recognize that this is a national issue. security and paid due attention to the problem, ”says retired Major General Allen Youngman. In the past, he said, almost any graduate was fit for drill, and now at the recruiting stations are guys with 50 kilograms of excess weight. In addition, about a quarter of high school graduates are not in able to pass the simplest exam for admission to military service. “This is not about high-tech jobs, they cannot to serve in the army by anyone, “said Youngman.