A photo from open sources User of famous video hosting “YouTube” under the pseudonym Birdman 649 posted a video on the site, which, according to the author, he captured several individuals of snow person. The recording was made a few days ago on Non-municipal territory of Coal Mountain in West Virginia.
An American visited a local forest with his dog and recorded This is a short trip to the camcorder. The man is sure that he managed to photograph several yeti, including a full-breasted female. IN description of the video, the author recommends paying close attention to two stumps to his right at 5:49 and 5:51, then at 6:17 you can supposedly to see two sasquatch watching him. Finally at 6:42 you can clearly see the dark figure that stands on the slope the hill. Birdman 649 believes it is a sexually mature female yeti. Through for a while she disappears when the American directs again camera to that place.
The video caused heated debate among the regulars of the resource. Many users thought it was another hoax. First, an American here and there takes off ordinary trees, claiming that snowmen are hiding behind them, then into the frame indeed a mysterious figure who, nevertheless, can be a man in a suit, like on many other records with snow people. However, there were also many commentators, who believed that Birdman 649 was able to meet big foot family.
Recall that Bigfoot is legendary a humanoid creature that supposedly can be found in the forest and highland regions of our planet. Existence of Hastings approved by numerous enthusiasts, however official it is not confirmed by science, since no one has ever caught the yeti. It is widely believed that big feet are relic hominids, i.e. primates from the human genus, preserved on earth since prehistoric times.
Bigfoot Snow