American Doping – Development The pentagon?

American Doping - Pentagon Development?Photo from open sources

Russian athletes who have been charged with using doping, still not allowed to the Olympics. Western at the same time athletes legally take illegal drugs and successfully pass doping control. What is the reason, REN reporters found out TV

It turned out that Western sports medicine is associated with the military Pentagon developments. In medical and genetic experiments the athletes are directly interested in the military. About this to REN reporters TV was told by famous American film director Christopher Bell, author sensational investigation film “Faster, stronger, more powerful.”

“In America, any industry is related to defense. – confirmed the documentary. – Sport is no exception. Alone and the same pharmaceutical corporations work for the army and for sports. First, the medicine is created for military purposes, and then it begins run in the field of sports achievements. ”

The man who artificially supplied an incredible strength, speed, endurance – not only ready for victories sportsman. First of all, he is an ideal soldier. For achievement of the goal and bypassing the doping control is now applied not only chemicals, but also genetic engineering.

Western laboratories are ready to put this procedure on conveyor. In the future, athletes may become biorobots, intended for a certain type of competition. Of course, experiments on “editing” human DNA are prohibited in the territory most countries. But secret floating labs allow circumvent the ban and conduct experiments in neutral waters.

“There are huge ships where thousands of doctors and are engaged in genetic experiments, – comments the professor Alexey Kovalkov. – They do not fall under any criminal article. I’m sure they are very active in sports. ”

Clash of Mutants: The Dark Side of Sports

How are doping manufacturers related to the NSA and the US Department of Defense, and how Does it threaten Russia? Will show REN TV in a new documentary The Battle of the Mutants: The Dark Side of Sports investigation.

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