California resident dreaming of living away from wealth civilization, moved to a rural house. However now he will have to forget about outdoor recreation: a man claims that his plans a bigfoot prevented. Former resident of Silicon Valley by named Ken left his job at a computer company and moved to rural house to enjoy peace and relaxation in nature. But recently a man had to reconsider his plans because of a strange creature living in these parts. “About two weeks ago near Strange things started to happen in my house, ”he says. – A mysterious person began to scatter logs in my area, and then block their way. My closest neighbors live pretty far, so I came to the conclusion that it’s not a person who does it, ” recalls Ken, who wanted to keep his name a secret. Photos from open sources
Photo from open sources The American continued to reflect on tricks of an unknown bully when he came to visit him a brother living in the area who suggested that the culprit of all his troubles is the Bigfoot. “Brother went to to the window and made a loud exclamation, like a cough with whooping cough, and after about five minutes we heard a similar answer. And through for a few days someone took my sofa, which stood on the veranda, and pulled him 6 meters from the house, ”says the man. According to Ken, what was happening began to get on his nerves, so he called the experts from the yeti search team and I asked them to come to visit him.
Photos from open sources Explored did not take long wait, and upon arrival immediately hung banks on bushes with peanut butter and sardines, using them as bait. “Using an infrared camera, we were able to capture the appearance of a huge creature approaching food, and it was definitely not Bear, says team member Tom Biscardi. -Bears do not walk on their hind legs. Moreover, discovered by us foot prints are not like animal tracks. Apparently snowy man has chosen the land behind Ken’s home as his haven since it secluded plot located next to the forest. ” Ken doesn’t plan fight a mysterious creature and intends to abandon walks along the river bank. “I don’t think he’s aggressive. It’s just that the creature seeks to recapture its territory. Well I’ll leave him alone, even if I have to stop resting on the beach rivers, ”he concludes.
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Yeti Bears