American giant student continues grow

American giant student continues to growA photo from open sources

Brock Brown was born in the US state of Michigan in 1997. When Brown was five years old, doctors diagnosed him with gigantism. The American has been growing steadily all his life, and now, in nineteen years old, his height is two meters thirty three centimeters. For this Brock was awarded the title of highest a teenager on the planet. On average, a young man adds fifteen a year centimeters and doesn’t seem to be going to stop.

If the American continues in the same vein, then very soon he will will be able to catch up and outgrow the thirty-three-year-old Turk of the Sultan Kesena, considered the tallest man in the world. His height is two meters fifty one centimeter.

A photo from open sources

A young man suffers from cerebral gigantism syndrome – congenital hereditary disease characterized by tall, abnormal state of paired organs, certain developmental delay and other unpleasant symptoms.

It’s not easy to be a giant

Doctors told Brock’s mother that her son would not be able to survive adolescence, however, contrary to medical forecasts, a student still alive and leading an almost normal life, albeit not without difficulties. People of medicine are not able to say whether Brown will ever grow. His body is already poorly able to withstand such load, and further increase in growth can easily kill American.

A photo from open sources

Because of his minor mental retardation, Brock is experiencing difficulties in learning and acquiring the necessary for normal human skills. He suffers from heart and bone problems: the spine of the young man is curved and has a narrowed central channel. Student has chronic back pain, but cannot take pain medication since born with one kidney. “I really hope that doctors will soon come up with how I help, “Brock tells reporters.

Not so long ago, Brown went with his mother to a good specialist, working at the Arkansas Children’s Center. Unfortunately, the doctor does not failed to help his patient with back pain. However he determined that the young man has every chance to live a long a life. Most people with gigantism are known to die relatively early.

A photo from open sources

In terms of finance, one of the tallest people on the planet also not so simple. Shoes and clothes for the American are sewn to order, and special bed and chair for him cost the giant’s parents thousand dollars. Local authorities are trying to help the family. For instance, twice they managed to raise ten thousand dollars for this purpose. The Browns spent all this money on clothes for Brock, from whom he, however, has grown rapidly.

The mother of the young man claims that her son is cheerful, an open and responsive person, and his heart is as great like the body of a giant.

A photo from open sources

A life

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