Photo from open sources
It is difficult to say with accuracy what exactly is depicted in this fuzzy vertical photo taken, apparently, on camera outdated mobile phone. It looks like a humanoid silhouette is not it? The author of the picture claims that he managed to capture for a photo of a real Bigfoot with whom he was forced face to face. Such documentary evidence the existence of bigfoot could be called very doubtful, if it had not been handed over to the supernatural researchers appearances by a current policeman from the United States.
On Saturday, October 24th, employees of the American paranormal research associations received a mail from Scranton, PA. Local police officer offices attached two photos to the message. One of them you see above another shows a law enforcement certificate. That’s what he writes: “Hello, my name is John Johnson, I work in the police Scranton has been here for eight years. Please do not publish mine real name, photo or ID number, it may harm my career. I am sending you a snapshot of my ID, so that you do not think that this is some kind of stupid joke.
The other day we were patrolling with a partner in one of the districts of the city. I drove up to McDade Park and got out of the car. Police routine requires all parks and squares, especially after sunset, periodically checked. It was getting dark already, I went down the path and suddenly noticed a tall hairy figure between the trees to his left. I I immediately realized that I was facing a big foot. I have no idea what he is did there. I slowly pulled out my phone and took a picture of it. we stood like this for about three minutes, looking at each other, then snowy the man turned around and hid in the dense vegetation of the park.
I realized that bigfoot can be dangerous for someone, and called his partner. I had to lie that I saw behind the trees suspicious type who ran away at the sight of me. We searched the whole park, but did not find anyone. My partner and I are very good relationship, but I won’t even talk to her about what I saw. Yet will think that I’m crazy or suffer from hallucinations. One in a word, I allow you to publish the picture I received, however Once again, please do not disclose information about my person. Thanks and good luck”.
American Paranormal Research Association immediately posted a photograph taken by a policeman and the text of his letter on his site, since the owner of the picture did not give a ban on this.