Americans are interested in the weather for a reason

Americans are interested in the weather for a reasonA photo from open sources

Almost every modern person is used to being aware of forecasts the weather. You are unlikely to drive your car at night if you face dense fog, or go to the beach in anticipation of rain, because about future changes in the weather you need to know.

Contemplating modern climate discussions in different countries, easily come to the conclusion that the inhabitants of the united states of america the weather is for some reason more interesting than the rest.

Indeed, in America, weather issues are simply tremendous attention that you in no other country in the world meet. Here you will find many meteorological TV channels broadcasting forecasts around the clock, a huge amount special associations and foundations. Answer the question why this nations are so interested in the weather, the Americans themselves decided.

It turned out that the history of the state was to blame. In colonial times, weather was one of the most important roles, since defined agriculture, daily life and entrepreneurship. Climatic features contributed stratification of peoples across the United States, defined them crafts. Colonists coming to new lands, first of all were interested in meteorological characteristics on this territories, preparing for all the hardships of previously unfamiliar places.

A whole galaxy of American leaders was engaged in meteorological observations. It is known that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Quincy Adams personally carried out weather observations. From this we can conclude that this addiction of US residents to climate and weather topics is nothing more than the genetic memory inherited from them ancestors.

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