A photo from open sources
US First Lady Melania Trump has not appeared in public, and rumors quickly spread around the world that sexy wife of the 45th american president is hard got sick, died, and even was completely eliminated by the security services because of his dissatisfaction with the political actions of her husband.
The famous satirical news agency added fuel to the fire “The Onion”, which reported that in the residence of the head of the “citadel democracy “suddenly began to notice the ghost of his late wife. The headline on the agency’s website read: “Sheol White House Photographer Crackhead got scared after she appeared on every picture Melanie Trump’s pale ghostly figure. ” the above image was issued by joker journalists for one of such supernatural shots.
Despite the fact that “The Onion” never hid what they write exclusively comic news and feuilleton, this material is fast scattered across the World Wide Web in the guise of real news. Many Americans took read at face value and even began to call the White House, demanding that authorities explain the appearance of the ghost of the wife of Donald trump.
Those concerned are still assured that with the first lady everything is in completely in order, and in public she will appear immediately, as in this there will be a need. But the Americans, already accustomed to the fact that the authorities are constantly hiding something and deceiving the people, they no longer believe official statements. Moreover, in the US blogosphere the assumption is growing that Melania trump is substituted, and therefore rumors of her passing are not so baseless. As the saying goes, have arrived. And the Onion agency needed to be so embarrassed to joke …
Donald Trump USA