Amphibian man was

Photo from open sources

Who has not seen the movie Amphibian Man? Who did not admire the imagination of A. Belyaev, who invented Ichthyander, capable of living on land and sea? But did the writer invent a human fish? Since old times in the tales of different peoples live myths, epics, legends about strange creatures that live in water, outwardly resembling a person. In the ancient Greeks, these are newts and sirens, among the Slavs – mermaids, in Western Europeans – sea virgins, among Arabs – inhabitants of the sea, near Celts – silk, etc.

A photo from open sources

In ancient chronicles, in ship’s magazines repeatedly there are mentions and descriptions of seen human fish. Them saw the English navigator Henry Hudson 06/15/1608 recorded in the ship’s log that the sailors of his ship were watching a sea maiden, floating for a long time next to the ship. Englishman Richard Whitburn wrote that in 1610 he and his sailors saw sea ​​maiden off the coast of Newfoundland. The sailors lowered the boat and tried to catch a creature. The inhabitant of the ocean did not go to depth, on the contrary, approached and grabbed overboard the boat. Frightened sailors pounded her with hurts and hurried her return to the ship. A photo from open sources

There are more recent evidence left by people. Enlightened XIX century. September 8, 1809 a school teacher from Surceau (Northern Scotland) saw naked on a coastal cliff a woman who, when he appeared, dived into the sea. In 1819 in Ireland near the shore in the surf saw another sea maiden. Onlookers came running, one of them fired. A creature with a piercing screamed into the water. A photo from open sources

But “ichthyander” was not only seen from afar. In 1830 on the coast of Benbecula Island (Western Scotland) was found strange corpse. Witnesses described him as a four year old child, abnormally developed breasts were noted. Height 1.2 meters, long shiny black hair, skin soft and white. Body was ending fish tail, like salmon, only without scales. Local sheriff who was introduced to the corpse of a creature, left a record of the event, ordered to put together a coffin and bury the body. In 1682, in Italy, Sestri in coastal waters caught “sea man”. He lived a few days. In 1717, something was also caught off the coast of Borneo. like that. The creature was put in a barrel of water, where it lived four of the day. In 1737, the fishermen of the city of Exter (England) got into the net a creature resembling a man with a fish tail. Terrified fishermen beat the creature with sticks. A photo from open sources

Ichthyander Francisco de la Casare Iker Jimenez Elizari, a Spanish journalist in church chronicles found a strange story about Francisco Vega de la Casare. A native of the sea village of Lierganes with In his early childhood he was a real swimmer and diver. At 16, parents sent him to Las Arenas, standing on the shore of the Bay of Biscay, learn carpentry. In 1647, parents received a terrible tidings: Francis, while swimming in a strong current, carried away to the sea. IN 1679, fishermen caught the “sea devil.” He was a tall man with almost transparent skin and a shock of red hair. Along the abdomen and back there were scales, between the fingers – membranes. 12 people could hardly to keep the “devil” tearing from their hands. Three week Franciscan the monks cast out demons from the unfortunate. Through a slurred mumble one monk heard Lierganes, where he had been caught and taken. Senora de la Casar and her sons recognized as “sea devil” son and brother. Francisco lived in the family for two years. In 1682 he was able to get out of the castle, immediately rushed to the sea and with joyful screamed into the waves. Several times it appeared above the water head and then gone. Believe it all or not? Oceanologists in in private conversations they say that the ocean is studied no more than space, and the most important discoveries are yet to come. Perhaps reasonable the creatures that humanity is so persistently seeking in space live next to us, you only have to lend a hand.

More precisely, immerse it in water.

Water Time

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