Amsterdam figured out how to make a raven collect cigarette butts

In Amsterdam, they figured out how to make a raven collect cigarette buttsA photo from open sources

It is well known that crows are one of the smartest birds on Earth: they are able to not only remember a lot of information, but also count (at least up to ten), analyze the situation, understand humor and enjoy participating in various raffles, find the best ways to get food and even to commit social acts.

For example, crows have been caught on a video camera more than once when they they picked up trash on the street and carried it to the bins. Exactly this circumstance probably prompted the Dutch designers Bob Spickman and Ruben van der Vletten develop a Crow Box device, which, according to the inventors, attracted the raven to the cleaning cigarette butts.

A photo from open sources

According to environmentalists, in the Netherlands it is thrown annually on the streets of cities and other settlements about six billion cigarette butts, which are most dangerous not even with tobacco, but with their own filters decomposing over ten years, polluting thereby primarily the soil. And although the country is well established garbage collection from utilities, collect all butts just unrealistic. They are sometimes difficult to even find, say, among herbs.

Hard for humans, but not for birds. Automatic feeder Crowbar, which was proposed by designers and inventors, is equipped with a video camera and a device that in exchange for a crow a cigarette butt, will give her peanuts.

As experts assure, and even venerable support them ornithologists, it’s enough to train one crow, as she will immediately transmit their experience to all the other birds of their “clan”. True, the feeding trough It is not forbidden to use other urban birds, however hardly pigeons, the Dutch chuckle, will begin to collect cigarette butts. But crows – quite possibly.

The developers of this unique method of collecting cigarette butts see only one problem in its development: it is not known how such work will become dangerous for birds, because no one knows how cigarette butts will harm the health of the raven, which can endure the entire this muck is mostly in its beak.

And the point here is not even that someone is sorry for savvy, although and hooligan birds (see video below), cunning crows, like some ornithologists believe they themselves will refuse such harmful work: they are too smart, and, unlike people, it’s great They are guided by what is harmful to their health and what is not …

Bird Health

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