A photo from open sources
It is believed that the first bicycle was created in 1817 by German inventor Karl Dres, however even his vehicle was a little like the current two-wheeled “iron horses”. And now imagine the amazement of an Indian who recently noticed in 2000 year old Panchavarnaswami temple image of a rider on a bicycle of a modern sample!
According to the author of the find, he found carved in stone drawing in the dark corner of the farthest part of the temple. Amazing that no one has noticed this strange artifact before, is surprised Pravin Mohan, perhaps it’s all the fault of the fact that the locals do not too educated and do not understand how much he unusual.
Having made such a discovery, Mohan hastened to capture it on video and post the post you’ve received on YouTube to talk about your an amazing find for as many people as possible – because it’s a real hysterical sensation!
The man in his video also says that the first chain-driven bicycle was designed around 1885 year, however, judging by the position of the legs of the character of the ancient drawing, he rides on such a bike. How is this possible? Are the ancient Indians foresaw the invention of the bicycle or even created him at that distant time?
However, given other “inappropriate” artifacts from antiquity, this is not so surprising. For example, we recently wrote about antique statue in american museum depicting man with a laptop. And although skeptics have easily explained the appearance of many centuries back of that “gadget” logically, comparing it with a book, box and so on, a stone bike, it seems, will be more difficult for them “fit” under the objects generally accepted in antiquity …
Ancient artifacts India