An incomprehensible beast attacked a man with a dog in the forest

An incomprehensible beast attacked a man with a dog in the forestPhoto from open sources

We bring to your attention a video shot back in 2015, however, his path to YouТube video hosting was complicated by the fact that before it is still unknown where this happened and who was the author of this material.

It should be emphasized that the quality of the video is not so hot, however specialists, analyzing the details of the video, argue following:

A cameraman with a video camera walked in the forest and was with him dog. At some point, a strange animal attracted a person, which seemed among the trees, and the operator, like every normal person with his characteristic curiosity and thirst sensations, began to shoot a forest beast, despite the obvious danger such a close presence of a large predator. Moreover, it is the creature is dark in color, if you look closely, it constantly changes its shape, turning into a wolf, a boar, or a horse. In the end finally, this creepy werewolf rushes at the dog. The owner is trying drive away the beast with screams, but then, apparently, he understands (a screech is heard dogs that a forest predator overtook), it’s better to take your legs, throws a camera (or accidentally drops it) and … On this record breaks off. The fate of the dog and its owner unknown.

A photo from open sources

On the Internet you can find some clarifications to the laid out records from which you can understand that the authors of this video prompted the publication of the following:

  • firstly, the record is genuine (verified by experts), although it quality wants to be the best, but apparently it was all filmed on a simple soap dish, or even a smartphone;
  • secondly, the record was found in the forest along with an abandoned (lost) camcorder (smartphone), which indirectly again confirms the authenticity of the mysterious at that moment events in the forest;
  • thirdly, this video has already been reported (published) in its foreign media, although the video on YouTube video hosting did not hit during these years. And so the authors decided to fill out this a gap, especially since such “news” have practically no time frames – they are interesting not for their freshness, but the mystery, inexplicability of what sometimes happens in our of life.

So, we watch the video and try to understand what happened then in the forest …


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