An unknown creature in the forest of Karelia was photographed on video

An unknown creature filmed in the forest of Karelia on videoA photo from open sources

It is believed that in the pristine forests of our planet can inhabit a large number of creatures about which we know almost nothing. Some of these animals can be large in size and pose a real threat to a person.

In Russia, ecological systems with trees make up almost seventy percent of the country’s territory and there are thousands of square kilometers of forest, which in the history of our civilization has never stepped foot of man. We can safely assume that our the vast homeland hides many cryptids and real monsters living and breeding in the wild.

From time to time there are documentary evidence of this, and one such evidence has recently appeared on the Internet. IN the end of last month on the famous video hosting “YouTube” hit an amazing recording made by two Russian schoolchildren and depicting a large shaggy creature moving with a large speed between trees in the forest.

Photo and video of an unknown creature in the forest

It’s amazing that this video spared domestic sites, but quickly spread to foreign ones. Chained roller attention of foreign web users who were just Struck by the appearance of a mysterious monster in the frame. Original the record has already collected more than two hundred thousand views and almost three thousands of comments. YouTube regulars put forward numerous theories about who the video creature can to appear.

A photo from open sources

Schoolchildren filmed a monster in the Republic of Karelia

Two Russian boys, animatedly discussing what is happening, watching a tall unknown creature with thick black hair, which, jumping over the deadwood, quickly runs through the forest on hind limbs. Judging by the comments of eyewitnesses, they at the same time scared and interested in the appearance of a monster, while most of all in this situation they want to lay out as soon as possible YouTube video received. “Popped on us again,” says in the beginning of the video is a young operator, from which we can conclude that an unknown creature managed to come close to at least twice schoolchildren.

Some users of the World Wide Web consider it to be a werewolf, which mistakenly turned into an animal in the daytime. Other convinced that this is a humanoid monkey, for some reason caught in the north of Russia. Still others suggest that we are talking about a rare animal unknown to official science, because, according to statistics of the same scientists, science has information only about twenty percent of everything that lives on Earth.

Many of these commentators, among other things, noted the courage of schoolchildren, which, for sure, could turn around for Russian children unhappiness. But this is just for the current the younger generation of risky selfie lovers for the sake of to put it on the Network later, it’s quite normal.

Skeptics claim that this is either an adult in a suit, Or ordinary digital video editing. Doubters (obviously lovers of outdoor recreation) you can also understand – who wants believe that so terrible can live next to a person monsters?

Time Monsters Russia

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