An unprecedented storm in Texas – Thousands of lightning strikes stun Houston!

A photo from open sources

Houston noted thunderstorm superstorm, writes Houston Chronicle. How intense was she? The answer is given by Dick Orville, Professor of Meteorology at Texas A&M University. He helped create a network that tracks lightning in Houston.

To rate the event, you can see the hourly map. Lightning strikes are shown here, according to the model – cloud-earth and cloud- cloud within 100 miles of Houston.

From 8 pm to 11 pm, progression of education lightning across southeast Texas looked lower.

First hour:

A photo from open sources

Second hour:

A photo from open sources

The third hour:

A photo from open sources

The number in the upper right corner is 118097. The second map shows failure of electrical equipment during the time interval. According to Orville, electrical equipment failures occurred after lightning flashes. Such cases in this place could be 10-100. This means that from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. had to watch thousands of lightning strikes in Houston. “Yes, there were many Houston’s lightning on Tuesday night, “said Orville. It was real light show.

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