A photo from open sources
One hypothesis about the alien origin of man says that in time immemorial the expedition visited the solar system races from the central region of the galaxy where stars and planets are much older, and therefore life was born there significantly earlier.
Space travelers first settled on the Phaeton, once located between Mars and Jupiter, however unleashed there is a nuclear war, and the planet perished. Remnants of this civilization inhabited Mars, but even there atomic energy killed most of population. Then the remaining colonists arrived on Earth, becoming ours distant ancestors.
Mysterious Mine in Africa
This theory perhaps confirms an amazing discovery, made 45 years ago in Africa. In 1972, one French corporation mined uranium at the Oklo mine in the Gabon Republic ore. Then during the standard analysis of ore samples experts found a relatively large shortage of uranium-235 – more than 200 kilograms of this isotope were missing. French people instantly sounded the alarm because the missing radioactive substance would be enough to make more than one atomic bomb.
A photo from open sources
However, further investigation revealed that the concentration uranium-235 in the Gabon mine is as low as in spent fuel from a nuclear power plant reactor. Is it really a kind of nuclear reactor? Analysis of ore bodies in the unusual uranium deposits showed that nuclear fission took place in them 1.8 billion years ago. But how is this possible without participation person?
Natural nuclear reactor?
3 years later, in the Gabonese capital Libreville, a scientific conference on the Oklo phenomenon. The most daring scientists considered then that the mysterious nuclear reactor is the result of the activity of the ancient race, which was subject to nuclear power. However, the majority of those present agreed that the mine is the only one on the planet “natural nuclear reactor.” Like, he launched many millions years in itself due to natural conditions.
People of official science suggest that on solid basalt bed in the river delta a layer of radioactive ore was deposited sandstone. Due to tectonic activity in this region the basalt foundation with uranium-bearing sandstone was submerged on several kilometers to the ground. The sandstone allegedly cracked, and in cracks penetrated groundwater. Nuclear fuel was located in the mine with compact deposits inside the moderator, which served water. In clay ore lenses, uranium concentration increased from 0.5 percent to 40 percent. Thickness and mass of layers in a certain moment reached a critical point, a chain reaction occurred, and “natural reactor” has earned.
A photo from open sources
Water, being a natural regulator, entered the active zone and launched a chain reaction of fission of uranium nuclei. Energy emissions led to the evaporation of water, and the reaction stopped. However a few hours later when the core created by nature the reactor was cooling, a repetition of the cycle occurred. Afterwards, presumably, a new natural disaster occurred, which raised this “installation” to its original level, or uranium-235 simply burned out. And the reactor stopped working.
Scientists estimate that although energy was generated underground, but its power was small – no more than 100 kilowatts, which was enough would work for several dozen toasters. However, the fact that in the generation of atomic energy spontaneously occurred, impressive.
Or is it a nuclear burial ground?
However, many experts do not believe in such fantastic coincidences. The pioneers of nuclear energy have long proven that nuclear reaction can be obtained exclusively by artificial by way. The natural environment is too unstable and chaotic for maintaining this process for millions and millions of years.
Therefore, many experts are convinced that this is not about nuclear Oklo reactor, and about the nuclear burial ground. This place is really more like the disposal of spent uranium fuel, and the burial is perfectly equipped. Walled in the basalt “sarcophagus” of uranium was stored for hundreds of millions of years under land, and only human intervention caused him appearance on the surface.
A photo from open sources
But since there is a burial ground, it means – there was a reactor, which generated nuclear energy! That is, someone who inhabited our planet 1.8 billion years ago, already possessed technology nuclear power. Where did all this go?
According to alternative historians, our technocratic civilization is by no means the first on Earth. There is every reason to believe that highly developed civilizations existed before, who used a nuclear reaction to produce energy. However, like humanity now, our distant ancestors turned this technology into weapons, and then destroyed themselves by it. It is possible that our the future is also predetermined, and after a couple of billion years the descendants current civilization will run into what we left nuclear waste disposal and wonder: where did they come from? ..
Africa Water Mars