Ancient cave paintings of Altai suggest reflections

Ancient cave paintings of Altai are suggestiveA photo from open sources

The tract Kalbak-Tash, in the Altai Territory, in addition to its beauty, famous for the fact that about five thousand rock carvings were discovered here drawings (petroglyphs) that not only amaze with variety stories and unexpectedly high technique of execution, but also are a reflection of some sacred knowledge.

Here you can see tigers, deer immortalized for millennia, goats and other animals: some ancient people hunted, others – ferocious predators – tried to avoid. Scenes of hunting and life captured in stone drawings give an idea of ​​how cavemen lived, what they dressed, what were their thoughts and creative impulses, what they believed and worshiped.

A photo from open sources

But there are other, very unusual, drawings in which clearly there are some aircraft and humanoids, not really similar to people. Orthodox science explains this fact easily and simply: it’s supposedly all the images of the gods.

However, you must admit that such an interpretation does not clarify anything, but only raises new questions. People have always worshiped higher forces, which often showed themselves in a visible way. It turns out that the ancient inhabitants of Altai saw both “flying saucers” and the aliens themselves, mistaking them for gods and immortalizing in stone.

A photo from open sources

If this is not so, then “real gods” came down to people, which is completely unacceptable for official science. But the independent researchers argue that aliens and gods are one and the same same. Why, for example, in all human deity beliefs fly from heaven, and all sorts of evil spirits creep out of the ground? Why not the other way around? After all, if we consider the higher forces as fiction, then why didn’t people invent gods coming out of the bowels of the earth? Not all they come down together from heaven. Is it because in antiquity a person not so much fantasized as fixed, displayed in stone what was a witness?

From such positions they approach the study of Altai petroglyphs independent researchers. Unfortunately, academic science does not takes their discoveries and works seriously, because such views contradict the generally accepted theory of origin and development human society.

Altai Stones Petroglyphs

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