And again, the world is led by the nose

And again, the world is led by the nosePhotos from open sources

One gets the impression that medicine is on the cancer issue and pharmacology will earn fantastically huge money – forever. Because from the moment Dr. Richard Ray in 1969 year declared that cancer is finally defeated, half a century has passed. And all these half a century periodically appear in the media messages that are found another cure for this terrible disease.

And people continue to die of cancer by millions across the planet, and This problem, as it was the most acute for humanity, remains. AND this is despite the fact that cancer can already be cured in the world, moreover, it’s easy and very cheap – using the most ordinary drinking soda. However, the Italian doctor Gennaro Sangermano, who proposed this the simplest method and is still at your own peril and risk (it’s like they have stripped the charlatan and the title of doctor, and they’ll already hold several had time) treating cancer patients, pulling from the other world even those who have almost a few days left to live, not only not known to the general public – they try not to talk about him at all speak and not write. Yes, and the statement of Richard Ray today, no one even doesn’t remember.

But in the press statements of other big authorities in science, who again promise in the near future end cancer. Like, tolerate people, it remains completely to wait Little.

For example, the other day in Scientific American magazine appeared performance of the Nobel Prize winner in medicine, worldwide the famous scientist James Watson (pictured), who is again tearful promised the world: if a group of scientists working under his leadership, lucky (!), then sick cancers do not have to wait ten to fifteen years (whence such terms?), since today a new one is being tested cancer drug. Yeah, how many have already been tested – just awful. Probably, this time “no luck”, moreover, you can with one hundred percent confidence – surely no luck, who let it be lucky …

Yes, and why come up with a bicycle that has already been invented? AND how much, interestingly, paid to James Watson for this next duck in press? After all, he, as a leading scientist, simply cannot but know that a cure for cancer has long existed. Presumably, paid a lot, given that on cancer, doctors and pharmacists earn a few trillion dollars a year, with this without a twinge of conscience sending cancer patients to that shine. But to cure these unfortunate cancer, for example, the same Anna Friske, it was so simple …


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