And no money will help here …

And no money will help here ...A photo open source Alcoholism is a big problem for modern society. He has no nationality, despite usually given statistics about where they drink more, where – smaller. At its core, alcohol is a drug, and in many countries it is prohibited. About two-thirds of the world’s population maintain a sober lifestyle through cultural traditions that people have not abandoned.

Thus, those who suffer for any reason from alcoholism reason has come off the roots of the cultural heritage of antiquity, which explains this phenomenon by licentiousness and immorality of people. Religions say alcohol is addictive, weakening the human will. Medicine does not deny such an interpretation and calls alcoholism a disease.

WHO data (World Health Organization) testify: to the beginning of the third millennium from alcoholism affected over 140 million people in the world. The most interesting thing about it is that alcoholism is a disease of non-poor people. It is developed in wealthy countries and medical service.

A photo from open sources

For example, in Russia, according to statistics, one fifth drinks population, and this is a very high indicator for the world. Consuming (including in small doses) male alcohol is 99.4 percent of the adult population, women, respectively, 97.9 percent. At the same time, alcoholism is becoming increasingly “younger”, since in drinking families are introduced to him and children are given as relaxing or “good sleeping pills.”

The whole family suffers from alcoholism of one person, and especially children. Coding, ambulatory care, conspiracies and others means, unfortunately, do not relieve the drinker of alcohol addictions. Moreover, if a person addicted to alcohol ceases drink, say, encoded, then ceases and enjoy life – practically falls into a sluggish suicide.

Exemption from alcohol addiction is gaining lost spiritual roots. And until they are found – no man nothing will save. And no money will help here …

Money Life Russia

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