Animals – Expressionists

Animals - Expressionist ArtistsPhotos from open sources of

If you are not familiar with the work of an expressionist artist Jackson Pollock, then you don’t even put that his paintings, more like colorful blots, sold at auctions for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Therefore, get such a masterpiece in your home you probably won’t get a collection of paintings if you, certainly not a billionaire. However, if you like something like that, you can turn to more “cheap artists”, namely – to animals that, as it turned out, also have the gift expressionistic vision of our world, or rather say the expressionistic display surrounding us reality.

For example, similar paintings by the Australian panda Yang Yang are sold a maximum of 500 euros, and some can be purchased significantly cheaper. In this case, you don’t even need to go to Australia, enough wait for the panda to visit some European again Zoo: in August of this year, she, for example, visited Vienna, surprising and delighting visitors to the Schönbrunn menagerie.

A photo from open sources

As art critic Toulouse Le Plo says, splashes of paint on pictures of the panda Yang Yang in their expressiveness are almost not inferior creative “flights” of Jackson Pollock, though the animal has its own unique writing technique that has not yet been appreciated connoisseurs of painting. Presumably, then the paintings of Yang Yang will also be cost millions at auctions – hurry to get today at cheaper.

A photo from open sources

It must be said that the Australian panda is not the only animal artist, in South Africa lives no less talented in this regard Pigcasso pig, which someone Joan Lefson once saved from slaughterhouses and suddenly … found in her a unique creative streak. You don’t know who is more talented here – the pig itself or its pirate Lefson, but today Pigkasso, as an artist (naturally in style Picasso, her nickname is in tune with this Spanish-French surrealist), has his own Instagram page, personal website, constantly participates in various art exhibitions, and her paintings are already sold for 2 thousand dollars, gradually winning not only Cape Town, but also London, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin and others European capitals.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

In conclusion, watch the video with one more Expressionist painter – Bear Juuso from Finland – Center Kuusamo. Unable to hold the brush in its clawed legs, the bear creates abstract patterns with the help of various parts of the body – and, of course, not without the support of his teachers. Known throughout country, and then the whole world, he became after his masters successfully sold the best paintings of this brown artist. Yuuso too there is a personal page on Twitter – there you can meet with his work, compare with the paintings of the same Jackson Pollock and to think about whether to buy a couple before they jumped in price to fabulous heights …

Australia Artists

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