Animals – Giants

Animals are giantsA photo from open sources

Our imagination always amazes everything extraordinary, say, the most the smallest inhabitants of the planet – Lilliputians, or, conversely, the largest – giants. Let’s get acquainted with the largest representatives of the fauna, at least with some of them …

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For example, for the sea elements – the largest is the blue whale, reaching thirty meters in length and two hundred tons of body weight. One the tongue of this giant weighs almost three tons. By the way, blue (aka blue) the whale is generally considered the largest animal on Earth.

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Of the land animals, the largest is an elephant, moreover, an African one, which at the withers can reach a height of three and a half meters and weigh up to six tons. Of course, you cannot compare with a blue whale, but … for the inhabitants of shrouds and prairies it’s a very gigantic animal, which for this reason does not even have enemies.

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But the tallest animal on earth is a giraffe. His height – five to six meters, and the weight can reach almost two tons. One neck giraffe – more than two meters. The most interesting thing is that the number of cervical the giraffe has as many vertebrae as all other terrestrial animals. We conclude …

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Of the largest predators, one can distinguish a sea elephant, the most a huge representative of this species was shot dead in 1913 in South Georgia, its length reached seven meters, and weight – five tons.

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Among terrestrial predators, giants can be called a polar bear and the brown bear Kodiak. Kodiak bear is found on the islands Kodiak archipelago, as well as in Alaska. White and this majestic brown bears reach growth at the withers and a half meters, and weigh more than a ton.

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Of the reptiles, the largest is considered marine (nostril or ridge) crocodile – almost six meters long and weighing a ton with superfluous. This is an active predator that drags its prey under and holds water until it drowns. After that deal with it’s easy already …

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There is even a giant rabbit in the world – the Belgian flander, which can weigh twelve to thirteen or even more kilograms – almost the “average largest dog.”

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The bat – the fox, with wingspan of almost two meters and weighing one and a half to two kilograms.

A photo from open sources

There is also a giant rodent on earth – a caliber, almost a height meter (at the withers) and weighing one hundred kilograms – larger than average person. It lives in South Africa.

A photo from open sources

The giant green anaconda is the largest lizard in the world. it species of snakes of the so-called subfamily of boas. Inhabits the south America, reaches a length of seven meters, weighs two hundred kilograms. Reticulated python is longer than it and can reach almost ten meters in length, but it is thinner and weighs much less than anaconda.

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Of the birds, the ostrich is considered the largest by right, which reaches sometimes three meters high and can weigh one hundred and fifty and even more than kilograms. Fixed maximum speed the movement of this flightless, and running bird – 97.5 kilometers in hour.

Africa Giants Bears Birds

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