A photo from open sources
For people interested in paranormal, Great Britain is a country of ghosts and mysterious cryptids, among which huge black cats occupy a special place. The thing is that relic lizards or bigfoot are found in other countries, but mystical cats for some reason prefer England
A photo from open sources
As a rule, the British see these creatures from afar, but some “lucky” had a chance to run into them, as they say, a nose to nose. It’s hard to say whether these creatures are capable of causing a person harm, because all the eyewitnesses remained alive and well. But absolutely recently in the city of Portland County Cornwall where these mysterious animals are seen most often, a black cat almost got into the house and I didn’t tear the couple in love there.
Here’s what Matthew Wilde says – a 30-year-old Briton who together with his girlfriend almost became a victim of a black predator:
This creature is very similar to a cross between a cat and a panther. (as a biologist, I am well versed in animals), tried to enter the house through an open window. Thanks to the fact that I’m on time noticed this maneuver and managed to slam the shutter just before it nose, we survived, because this cat, under two meters in length, clearly came for us. Only a quick reaction (I do eastern wrestling) and extensive experience working with wild animals allowed me to cope with this strong and agile creature: I got ahead and pushed her away with only sharp scratches claws.
We will clarify that in England, this especially applies to the counties of Cornwall and Devon, mystical black cats are seen dozens of times a year. They are not just smart and careful (even take a picture with a camera and camcorder plainly fails), but practically do not leave any traces. For all decades, during which huge cats walk around UK, researchers managed to get only low-quality pictures and a video and a photograph of the track, allegedly abandoned by black beast (see below). All the rest is just stories, drawings and sketches. No coincidence many cryptozoologists believe that mysterious cats emerge from parallel world – like yeti, chupacabra and others supernatural beings. Why is this happening in the good old England, no one knows, but the fact remains: it is with this the country with black cats has the most “established connection”.
A photo from open sources
For a long time it was believed that they do no harm to humans, however, the incident described by Matthew Wilde casts doubt on this one. But what if, during an attack, a predator leaves no traces of its victims (carries her to his parallel world)? In this case, the person just disappears without a trace, and such incidents in the United Kingdom – a lot. Moreover, in case of danger, the British do not can count on police help. So, Wilde, having driven the monster away, I immediately called the law enforcers, but they only laughed yes still threatened with punishment for a false call …
UK Yeti Cats Parallel Worlds