Another longest opened in China glass bridge

China has opened another longest glass bridgeA photo from open sources

Why the next one, because glass bridges in China erected with stubborn constancy, as if competing with themselves in length, height and some other characteristics, so attractive for extreme tourists. And now another the record holder is the 488-meter-long Flying Dragon glass bridge and 230 meters high, which recently opened in Hebei PRC.

A photo from open sources

Record length and height with a 66-story building are not the most important advantages of this building. The bridge is made so that when walking along him many tourists, he is swinging. Not very much, but this is enough to catch up with additional fear, which is so people like it (otherwise why would they go to such a test). A the bridge is called so because statues rise at its ends dragons spewing smoke, which creates some illusion of flying on the back of this fire-breathing monster, which is revered in the Middle Kingdom since ancient times.

A photo from open sources

The Flying Dragon sways between two rocks, sagging above deep canyon. The bridge is lined with glass panels with a thickness of 4 centimeters made of special heavy-duty transparent material. The weight of the whole structure is about seventy tons. He can withstand two thousand at the same time. people, but at first more than five hundred tourists didn’t let it go.

Note that one of China’s glass bridges once cracked, which frightened and at the same time very impressed tourists, located at this point in place of the crack. This is wise inventive Chinese engineers make a bridge in the Wuhu Mountains, glass again, with artificial cracking effect panels under the feet of a pedestrian that initially (until a person knows about such a “draw”) scares people very much. Some tourists even fall flat on the bridge, trying to prevent complete collapse of the glass, while the “experienced” pass nearby and chuckle.

A photo from open sources

Glass bridges have long been a popular attraction for tourists in the fabulous mountains of China, they attract here curious and extremely minded people from all over the world, which increases income tourism industry of the country. Therefore, the flying glass bridge dragon “to date, although the longest in the world, but I think this record will be broken in the coming years. And beaten by those by China …

Note that one of China’s glass bridges once cracked, which frightened and at the same time very impressed tourists, located at this point in place of the crack. This is wise inventive Chinese engineers make a bridge in the Wuhu Mountains, glass again, with artificial cracking effect panels under the feet of a pedestrian that initially (until a person knows about such a “draw”) scares people very much. Some tourists even fall flat on the bridge, trying to prevent complete collapse of the glass, while the “experienced” pass nearby and chuckle.

A photo from open sources

Glass bridges have long been a popular attraction for tourists in the fabulous mountains of China, they attract here curious and extremely minded people from all over the world, which increases income tourism industry of the country. Therefore, the flying glass bridge dragon “to date, although the longest in the world, but I think this record will be broken in the coming years. And beaten by those by China …

Time China Bridges

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