Another natural wonder: ultra-fast frogs and ants

Another Natural Wonder: Super Speed ​​Frogs and AntsA photo from open sources

Nature is rich in miracles. These are her phenomena that we or we cannot understand and explain at all, like, say, ball lightning or chronomrage, or come to a real astonishment from the incredible possibilities, for example, of some earthly plants, creatures, and even like inanimate objects, for example, moving along an unknown to us the reason for the stones.

Such miracles include the super speeds of some animals. And the point is not in their ability to move very fast, like this makes, for example, the cheetah, which seem far more surprising to us incredible movements of some representatives of the fauna.

Take for example the bite speed amazing even in its own way appearance (see photo above) hairy frog fish – Antennarius striatus. She, thanks to creating a vacuum in the mouth, can suck in its victim in just 1/6000 second. It is so fast that a regular shot captures a given moment of a meal only relatively – like a flashing “shadow of movement”: there was a fish near the mouth of the frog – and it is already gone. By the way, hairy frogfish, how else magnify a hairy frog in the world of science, attracts small fish using a special dorsal float, very reminiscent of fishing rod with a worm on the end.

Odontomachus bauri has even greater speed of movement – a trap ant that can move its jaws with a fantastic speed of 0.13 milliseconds, which makes it easy to catch their victims. If you compare with our “blink of an eye”, which did not so much an indicator of the biological capabilities of the human eye, how many literary definition then the ant jaw Odontomachus bauri surpass it in speed by almost two and a half thousand time. Despite this, poets continue to use it clearly outdated metaphor …

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