Another wonder of the world

Another wonder of the worldPhoto from open sources

Turkish resort Pamukkale (“cotton castle”) is not without reason called the eighth wonder of the world: breathtaking views conquer the heart everyone who visited this natural site in the province of Denizli.

Pamukkale is located on geothermal springs, temperature water in which varies from thirty to one hundred degrees Celsius. This water flows down the rocky slopes and forms pools. all kinds of forms with walls of limestone, which are called travertines. Travertines are white due to salt deposits from calcium-rich sources. It should be noted that Pamukkale with 1988 is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

It is widely believed that local limestone waters are healing. This is also why thousands come here every year tourists. Since ancient times, with the help of these waters people have treated rheumatism, paralysis, rickets, skin diseases, strengthened cardiovascular system and vision, restored the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Entry fee at any time of the day is 20 Turkish lyram.

A photo from open sources

It should be borne in mind that not all travertines are open, since some of them have a very fragile structure. Before a visit to Pamukkale should familiarize yourself with the rules that, in in particular, they prohibit walking on travertines in shoes and swimming in certain sources. Of course, it’s hard to stop people whatever the rules, and tourists still try to plunge into water.

But the Cleopatra pool is specially designed for swimming. It is located in the city of Hierapolis. In the near future, the authorities it is planned to open several more pools for these purposes, so that completely limit the direct access of tourists to unique sources Pamukkale.

Water Time

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