Anti-Earth – Planet Gloria

Humanity has long been looking for cosmic brothers in space. But aliens may not be at distant lands, but literally under our noses! There is an assumption that in the Earth’s orbit there is another planet that they managed to christen Antisemly or gloria.

A photo from open sources

From the depths of centuries the first about the existence of an earthly double the ancients spoke. Even in the period of Ancient Egypt it was accepted consider that each of us has our own energy, astral double. Later they began to call him Soul. It is from there and the theory of the existence of the Anti-Earth originates. Representation Egyptians about the world of “doubles” influenced the cosmogony of ancient Greek philosopher Philolaus. He placed in the center of the universe not the Earth as other thinkers came before him, and the Sun, to which he assigned several names at once – House of Zeus, Mother of the Gods, Hearth of the Universe, etc. e. This undamped Fire gives life to everything, illuminates the whole world, and around it revolve the Earth, the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and five famous ancient planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Strictly speaking, the existence of an “extra” celestial body for the first time, another Pythagorean spoke – Hiket of Syracuse, but it was Philolaus developed his theory. Moreover, he admitted that on the Anti-Earth have a life. No matter how fantastic this theory may look, it has there have always been supporters. So, some astronomers of the past supported her with both hands. In the 17th century, the first director Paris Observatory Giandomenico Cassini, whose name was named recently sent to Saturn interplanetary probe, announced that he discovered near Venus a certain object that he called companion of this planet. Cassini later admitted his mistake – they say that Venus has no companion, but until the end of his life he so sacredly believed that he was observing in the sky a hitherto unknown planet. Maybe this was that same anti-earth? A century later, namely in 1740, English astronomer and optician James Short joined the choir votes in favor of the existence of a double of the Earth. Twenty years later he was echoed by Tobias Johann Meyer – a brilliant German astronomer and cartographer. Then interest in the double of the Earth died away, and for a long time about nobody remembered him. Scientists have decided and decided that all this idle inventions that have nothing to do with reality. And suddenly interest in the mythical Gloria flared up with renewed vigor. Space invisibility public peace troublemaker turned out to be Russian scientist Kirill Pavlovich Butusov – an outstanding astrophysicist, author of many fundamental works and discoveries in the field radio astronomy, astrophysics, geophysics and theoretical physics. Professor Butusov is the author of more than one bold theory. It’s not he I was afraid to give a forecast regarding the presence of a number of cosmic bodies in Pluto and the ten moons of Uranus. He is the first in a new history openly and reasonably spoke of the existence of Gloria – double planet Earth. Unfortunately, last year, 2012, Cyril Pavlovich was gone. But his work, notes, interviews remained … By Butusov’s opinion, there must be a Lagrange point behind the Sun, or libration point. It is believed that if there is a planet Nibiru, then it is located exactly at the exact same point. In her Gloria also “hid”. For this reason, it is difficult from the side of the Earth recognize one and the other planet. In addition, Earth and Gloria move around the sun at the same speed and see “invisibility” is impossible – the solar disk is blocking it from us. Why not one of the astronauts and even astronauts saw this mysterious stranger? After all, the Americans, as you know, landed on the moon, from where they could very well observe the Anti-Earth. It turns out the projection of the sun on the other side of the earth’s orbit hides a “piece” in 600 earth diameters. It’s enough to “nestle” another planet. To see her, Americans it was necessary to fly a distance of one and a half dozen times more than at the lunar orbit. Indirect evidence of our existence the double, according to Butusov, are disturbances in the movement of Venus and Mars. The fact is that these planets in motion in their orbits then ahead of the estimated time, then lag behind him. And in those moments when Mars is ahead of schedule, Venus is behind him, and vice versa. However, Mars and Venus, in turn, can also disturb the movement Gloria, so sometimes it can be observed. In due time, similar Happiness came over Cassini, who noticed a certain near Venus the crescent and decided that it was her companion. World flood If we assume that there is life on Gloria, then civilization there must be developed no worse than ours. Maybe, the inhabitants of Anti-Earth have long been ahead of us in terms of development. More Moreover, it is possible that the inhabitants of Gloria lead us earthlings, vigilant observation. And the “plates” that we from time to time We observe in the sky, and there are messengers from another planet. Aliens how fire is afraid of any disasters that may happen on Earth, because Earth and Anti-Earth are connected by one inextricable chain. Any serious cataclysm on our planet can come back on Gloria. If, for example, nuclear explosions move the Earth out of orbit, then two planets sooner or later converge in a deadly “kiss”. Then not say hello to anyone. And just “extra” rapprochement is not portends nothing good. If Earth and Gloria are near, then the gravitational force of both planets will raise such a giant wave in oceans that flood all the land on all the continents of the Earth. Perhaps something like this had already happened, because the legend of a universal flood could not be born from scratch. Over and against justice, it must be said that the theory of Butusov many opponents. They argue their arguments as follows way. Firstly, if Gloria would have the same mass as at least the moon, then its effect on the orbits of Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars would be so huge that scientists would have they said. Secondly, opposite points in orbit are unstable, in a relatively short time, the planet Gloria would cease to be in it and switch to another, albeit close, orbit, thereby would come out from behind the Sun and shone in the sky. Thirdly, the invisibility still cannot be in the exact opposite point of orbit due to librations and during solar eclipses sure to show her “face”. Well, in a dispute between proponents and opponents of the hypotheses of the existence of Gloria, as always, only one judge will put all the points on i – time.

Venus Time Doubles Life Moon Mars Mercury Saturn Sun

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