Anti-Earth Theory

Photo from open sources

Can beyond our sun, on the opposite side of the orbit, there is another planet that does not differ in mass and size from our earth? What is this planet: part of a harmonious double a system that you can “christen” the Earth – Antisemple? More perfect alternative world, and our Earth, in relation to Gloria’s “draft” – an idea that inspired writers – science fiction writers, for example, Sergei Lukyanenko? Twin search idea of our planet – Gloria still unknown to us – comes from the priests of the Ancient Of Egypt. According to their ideas, people at birth were not endowed with only by soul, but also by some kind of astral double, which then in Christian religion has become a guardian angel. With time, this idea was indirectly reflected in the doctrine the ancient Greek filolaus who placed in the center of the universe is not Earth, as its predecessors did, and a certain central fire – Hestnu, around which all other celestial bodies revolved, in including the Sun, which played the role of a mirror, reflecting rays of central fire, spreading them throughout the universe. Moreover, according to the idea of ​​Philolaus, just as everyone in nature is used to pairing, so in such formations must exist in heaven. And he doesn’t limited himself to calling the moon to his companions, but also suggested that somewhere there, at a diametrically opposite point orbits, constantly hiding from our eyes behind heavenly fire, rotates, a certain anti-Earth. Since then, much has already flowed … And the heavenly fire “burned out”, and our luminary moved to its place The sun, but the thought of the existence of a double of the Earth, no, no, and will arise again. How justified is it? First let’s we state all the arguments for, which indirectly point to the existence of such a double … First, exist in reality, we really could not find it, because “staring” towards the Sun is a very difficult task. astronomers damaged their eyesight and even went blind, trying to observe beyond our luminary. And the area that he covers in the sky, enough to fit quite decent planet … The second consideration is based on the fact that in due time the researchers for a long time could not calculate the position Venus in the sky – capricious “morning star” did not want follow the traditional laws of celestial mechanics. As believed some experts, this is possible only if the motion of Venus acts the gravity of another, not taken into account when calculations of the celestial body. Some people notice that like from time to time “is naughty” and Mars … Finally, thirdly, there is some evidence of astronomers of the past. Let’s say in XVII century, a consideration in favor of the existence of Gloria shared the first Director of the Paris Observatory, the famous Giovanni Domenico Cassini (Yes, yes, the one in whose honor the person sent recently in the vicinity of Saturn interplanetary probe). So here he is in Some time ago, a heavenly object was discovered near Venus. Cassini was determined to have discovered a satellite of Venus. However his existence to this day is not confirmed by modern research. But what if Cassini managed to notice another heavenly the body, namely Gloria? .. This judgment was supported to some extent in 1740 English astronomer and optician James Short. And another 20 years later, the German observer astronomer Tobias Johann spoke about the same Meyer – a man known in the scientific world for the seriousness of his judgments. It is no coincidence that he owns the very accurate moon tables for determining longitudes at sea. But then the body disappeared somewhere and for a long time no one remembered him. And here is a new surge interest in the mythical Gloria. What is it due to? Yes, at least that if such a planet actually exists, it may be An ideal base for … UFOs. Ships starting from our double planets, it is then very convenient to approach the Earth; because they there is no need to go from orbit to orbit – just a few accelerate or, conversely, slow down in the same orbit … Well, seriously, some astronomers really don’t deny the possibility of the existence of a double of our planet. “It is known that at least one other moon revolves around the earth, they say. – And we don’t notice it just because this Moon consists of … dust and tiny meteorite debris that are grouped in so called the libration point. Indeed, according to the solution of the famous problem about the stability of celestial bodies, nearby the Earth – Moon system there must necessarily be some kind of trap point where the fields gravitations and will drive their prey. ” Similarly for the system Sun – Earth must also have such a point, as for systems The sun is Mars, the sun is Venus, etc. In general, dust twins planets, in theory, are not so rare in our solar system. Just hope that our doubles live on them, somehow especially don’t have to. Living in a cloud of dust is not very comfortable … Gloria or Anti-Earth, presumably in the same orbit as Earth, but can not be observed, because it is constantly hidden from us The sun. Is it even possible for two bodies to exist on the same orbit? From observations it is clear what is possible. Saturn satellite system similar to the solar system. To every great moon of Saturn corresponds to its own planet of the solar system. So vivid model. So in the Saturn system in almost the same orbit corresponding to Earth, two satellites coexist perfectly – Janus and Epitemia. One moves in the outer orbit, and the other in the inner one. Every four years they come together and exchange orbits. It turns out the same mechanism is possible in the Earth – Antisubmer system. Were so same visual observations. For the first time, back in the 17th century, the famous astronomer D. Cassini observed a sickle-shaped object near Venus forms. He took him for a satellite of Venus. Then in 1740 this Short observed the object, in 1759 Mayer, in 1761 Montaigne, in 1764 – Rotkier. After that, the object was not observed. Maybe, swaying around the libration point, the object comes out from time to time due to the solar disk and becomes available for observation. So but in the movement of Venus and Mars there are some anomalies that are easy explained if we assume that the Earth has a double. The thing is the fact that these planets are moving ahead of their orbits then Estimated time then lag behind it. And in those moments when Mars is ahead of the schedule, then Venus is behind him, and vice versa. There are quite bold hypotheses about the existence of Gloria highly developed civilization, which is our ancestress. It hasn’t gone further than fantasy yet. Herself the possibility of the existence of Gloria is still a big question. One of adherents of the theory of the existence of the planet Gloria, is famous Russian astrophysicist, professor Kirill Pavlovich Butusov. Reference: Butusov Kirill Pavlovich – physicist, astronomer, candidate physical and mathematical sciences. Works in St. Petersburg university. Developed the theory of cyclic solar activity (1958). He discovered a number of structural patterns in the structure of the Solar systems, in 1985 gave a forecast of a number of undiscovered satellites of Uranus, subsequently confirmed. Found a manifestation of “golden section “in the distribution of the parameters of the bodies of the solar system. A number of discoveries and hypotheses allow him to be ranked among the luminaries of the Russian science. The most curious conclusion from Butusov’s theory is the hypothesis about the existence of the Anti-Earth. Identified patterns indicate that that another unknown planet must be in the orbit of the Earth. More than half a century in astronomy and physics is a complete lull. Wherever Sunshine, everywhere the triumph of the ideas of Bohr, Heisenberg and Einstein. The most time for naturalists to fall into melancholy and under a bottle port wine to complain that the world has long been studied and open. However, if you chat with the astronomer for at least half an hour, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and now an assistant professor of the department Physics Academy Civil Aviation Kirill Butusov, then surely believe in miracles again. There is no prophet in his Fatherland Reflect on the secrets of the universe Kirill Butusov started from the first days of work at the Pulkovo Observatory, where he got to 1954 by distribution after graduating from the Polytechnic Institute. After 4 years, the young scientist boldly discovered the door of the director’s office and laid out on the head table Academician Mikhailov Observatory outline – no less – own theory of solar activity. As you study materials the master’s face was getting darker. Theory data perfectly coincided with the observational data. The sun behaved in exactly as the yellow-handed employee predicted. And only after seeing the discrepancy of curves at a distance of 100 years in the past, Mikhailov Cheered up and pushed the paper away. At the request of Butusov admit it to a computer to facilitate cumbersome calculations academician only waved his hands: “Why are you, my friend, the car is loaded planned calculations one hundred percent. “That was the end of the matter. And five years later, American scientists published in a scientific journal exactly the same job, and priority was lost. To myself astronomer The first bitter experience taught a lot to young employee. He realized that the winner is the one who fights for the end his ideas and does not pay attention to the skepticism of colleagues. Further Butusov began to find out the reason for the divergence of his theory, and. from experimental data and look for new patterns in Solar system. At the end of the end, the astronomer developed the “Wave cosmogony of the solar system, “which explains the mysteries of birth planets, features of their orbits and predicts a lot of completely incredible things. In 1987, he defended for this work. PhD thesis. Anti-Earth One of the most interesting conclusions from Butusov’s theory is the hypothesis of the existence of Anti-Earth. Identified patterns indicate that that another unknown planet must be in the orbit of the Earth. For example, in the Saturn system, in orbit corresponding to the Earth, two satellites at once rotate – Epimetius and Janus. Every four years they come closer, but do not collide, but change places. But if u Earth has a twin sister, why then we do not see him in fields one telescope? Butusov is convinced that an unknown planet that he called Gloria, hides the disk of the Sun from us. – In Earth Orbit right behind the sun there is a point called libration, – explains the astronomer. – This is the only place where it can be located. Gloria. Because the planet rotates at the same speed as Earth, it almost always hides behind the sun. And see it impossible even from the moon. To fix it, you need to fly away at 15 times further. But there is one interesting point. Librational the point is considered very unstable. Even a small impact able to move the planet to the side. Maybe that’s why Gloria sometimes becomes visible. So, in 1666 and 1672, the director Cassini observed crescent-shaped near Venus body and suggested that it was her companion (now we know that Venus has no moons). In subsequent years, something similar seen by many other astronomers (Short, Montel, Lagrange). Later a mysterious object disappeared somewhere. The existence of Gloria indirectly more ancient sources also testify. For example, wall drawing in the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses VI. On it is a golden figure man, apparently, symbolizes the Sun. On both sides of it identical planets. Their dotted orbit goes through the third chakra. But the third planet from the sun is Earth! If Gloria exists, then, most likely, there is life on it, and maybe perhaps even a developed civilization. After all, the planet is in the same conditions as the Earth. Many UFO sightings, especially during nuclear test time, could find an explanation. After all, any cataclysms on our planet are serious for Gloria danger. If nuclear explosions move the Earth, then two planets early or later converge, and a terrible catastrophe will happen. Raja-Sun The next, perhaps even more important for The conclusion from Butusov’s theory is that the sun is double a star, like many other stars in our galaxy. This the second star in the solar system Butusov called Raja-Sun, since the first mention of it was found in Tibetan legends. The Lamas called it the “metal planet”, emphasizing thereby its enormous mass with a relatively small size. She appears in our area once every 36 thousand years. And each of her the visit ends with tremendous shocks for the Earth. Exactly 36,000 years ago a Neanderthal man disappeared on our planet and appeared Cro-Magnon man. Presumably, then the Earth acquired satellite (moon), intercepted from Mars. Before that, according to legend, the moon there was no in the sky. Butusov suggests that the Raja-Sun was ahead in our development was our star. Following the natural processes of evolution stars, it passed the phase of the red giant and exploded, turning into a “brown dwarf”. Lost in mass The Raja Sun transmitted the planets that revolved around it, the current sun. Moving in a very elongated orbit, it leaves far into space at a distance of more than 1,100 astronomical units and becoming almost indistinguishable to modern observers. But the most unpleasant thing is that the next return of the killer star expected soon. 2000 is plus or minus 100 years. Rather total, the Raja-Sun will pass through the steroid belts between Mars and Jupiter. Perhaps these space debris is all that remains of one of the planets after contact with the evil dwarf, which 30 times the mass of Jupiter. In any case, the upcoming the meeting does not bode well for earthlings. Pluto – planet passionaries Once Lev Gumilyov, author of scandalous theory ethnogenesis and passionarity, asked Butusov to think about the reasons passionate shocks. The fact is that once every 250 years on the Earth’s surface in a very limited range occurs mysterious phenomenon – a certain gene mutation, as a result of which people living in a given territory acquire certain quality. They become active, they have the ability to super efforts, they easily sacrifice their lives for ideals. When there are many such passionate people – a new ethnic group is emerging. Gumilev himself believed that this phenomenon is caused by some cosmic radiation. – When I began to think about possible mechanisms passionarity, then immediately came to the conclusion that the only body which can have a similar effect is Pluto, – says Kirill Butusov. – His period of revolution around the sun equal to 248 years. Located at the boundary of the magnetosphere of the sun, it can help breakthrough galactic cosmic particles into the solar the system. No wonder astrology Pluto is considered a planet, responsible for collective efforts, great transformations and reform. Everything would be fine, but one important detail could not be found. explanations. According to Gumilyov, zones of passionate shocks looked very narrow stripes, similar to stripes from the moon’s shadow in moments of sunshine eclipses. cosmic radiation could not act so selectively, Butusov proposed the “relative passionarity. “Suppose, at the time of a solar eclipse on Earth the most powerful stream of particles from a flare on the Sun collapses. Throughout mutation occurs on the planet, as a result of which people become more lazy and inert. Against them, those who fell into the lunar zone shadows will seem to us excessively active – that is, passionate! Opponents of the theory of our twin Earth argues its arguments something like this: First, if if Gloria had a mass at least like that of the Moon, then its influence, rendered into the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars would be so large that the errors between the observed and the foregoing positions of the planets would be many times superior to those which exist now. Secondly, opposite points on orbits are unstable and in a relatively short time, the planet Gloria would cease to be in it and switch to another, although close, the orbit would thereby come out from behind the Sun and shine on the sky. Thirdly, she still cannot be completely opposite point of the orbit due to librations and during solar eclipses would certainly have been observed. In general, direct there is no evidence of Gloria’s existence, but indirect evidence exists. Scientists have long predicted the accumulation of matter at libration points on orbit the earth. One of these points is located just behind the Sun. B. Doppelshvaan, Director of the East European Institute Analytical Astronomy, Academician: Until Earth probes that go beyond our orbit planets remain a rarity, nature has preserved for us the opportunity amazing discoveries. One of them was quite by accident recently. made by an american probe heading for ring research Saturn. In order to study solar activity for a short time the instruments of the probe were directed toward the sun. And there it was made a completely sensational discovery. A new one was opened planet of the solar system. How is this possible? After all, the solar system studied by astronomers for more than one thousand years. Seemed if all the planets, even the faintest, are already open. Some even open “at the tip of the pen”, by taking into account disturbances introduced them into the movement of others. So open Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. But again an open planet was incomparably closer to the Sun than these three, and clearly enters the circle of planets closest to us. How didn’t they notice her? ancient astronomers and twentieth-century astronomers armed telescopes and radio telescopes? Finally, where is the place for this planets? As you know, all possible orbits are located from the sun. at a strictly defined distance. This distance is equal for each orbits N * X + X / 3, where N is the number of the orbit, and X is the space unit, equal to approximately 0.3 of the earth’s orbit. All these orbits are occupied. On first of the possible orbits is Mercury, on the second – Venus, on the third is Earth, the fourth is Mars, the sixth is Jupiter, seventh – Saturn and further – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Fifth orbit busy with asteroid belt. No two planets in one orbit yet noticed and even the very possibility of such a phenomenon in my head did not came to anyone. The unexpectedness of the sensational opening of the probe lies in the fact that he discovered a second planet orbiting orbit … Earth. Earth turned out to be the only planet in the sun a system having such a double. This planet in its parameters mass, speed, etc. is an almost complete double of the Earth. IN in this regard, it is always almost exactly on the opposite point of orbit relative to our planet. Therefore, it could not discover astronomers neither in antiquity nor in our time. This planet always hidden by the sun. Radio emission is also completely absorbed. The sun. From the point of view of cosmogony, the possibility of such the phenomenon is nothing strange. Cosmogony claims that all the planets formed from a dust cloud, first concentrated in the plane of the ecliptic, then distributed in orbits, and finally, gradually (due to different particle velocity) in each orbit of the assembled in a single mass. But because with such a mechanism two centers could have arisen “crystallization” – at opposite ends of the orbit. Of course, extremely rare, but quite probable phenomenon. Interesting that astronomers who can calculate according to disturbances of distant planets orbits of new ones, all the time ignored the fact that the planet itself The earth practically does not disturb the movement of others. It was quite natural for Ptolemy, putting the earth in the center Universe, but since the time of Copernicus, who recognized that in the center Sun, this approach has not changed. Disturbances introduced by movement Earth, simply not studied, but because astronomers did not even come to head to wonder at the strangeness of these disturbances. Maybe think they are above it, and the Anti-Earth would be open, like other planets, “at the tip of the pen.” One way or another, as long as our Probes and space stations are not particularly far from the Earth, “look behind the Sun” enough to see the planet there, failed. Only probes flying beyond the orbit of Mars had some probability open, “see” this planet. Recently, when the number such probes exceeded a dozen, the probability was realized – and the opening took place. In the photos of the probe, the planet is so far that apart from its mechanical characteristics, little can be said. However, in one of the photos where the planet is photographed against the edge The sun, a golden halo of the atmospheric disk is clearly visible. The thickness of the atmosphere is approximately equal to Earth. Given the similarity of conditions, it is easy to assume that the origin and evolution of life on both the planets followed approximately the same path. In this regard, on There may well be a civilization behind Earth or ahead of us, or, perhaps, following a completely different path cultural development. One way or another, “brothers in mind” may be much closer than you might expect. Where to closer than Mars or Venus! In this case, the source of the UFO acquires quite definite outlines. It has long been clear that such small space objects could not appear on our planet from “outer space”, as completely unfit for interstellar travel – not to mention the fact that modern science is extremely skeptical of the possibility of such travels. The light comes to the nearest star for four years, and the spaceship will fly about fifty years to the limit attainable for the material body speed. One hundred years will pass on his home planet during this time, so the flight itself makes no sense. Attempts to find UFO’s source the limits of the solar system still have not yielded results. All the planets are pretty well studied, and there are no traces of intelligent life there. detected. In addition, there are no signs of activity in radio range, which is inevitable for advanced civilization, communicating. Now it may well be that such intelligent life exists in close proximity to the Earth, on hidden behind the Sun section of its own orbit. Then there is nothing surprisingly, even in the early stages of space technology anti-earths were able to visit the Earth. If their astronomers were able to calculate the existence of the earth in advance, it was natural to set a goal to achieve it from the very beginning of development space technology. Maybe they went into space for two or three ten years earlier than us, and the appearance of the first UFOs on Earth in the 40s was actually the first experience of their interplanetary flights. That’s why their spaceships crashed during landing – experience piloting over an alien planet was still not enough. Maybe soon the day will come when we can visit their planet. Modern space technologies of earthlings already allow this. However, all this remains in the shaky sphere of hypotheses and assumptions. Only one fact is now established immutable – Earth’s twin planet exists. Well, in a dispute between supporters and opponents of the hypotheses about the existence of a double of our Earth – Gloria, as always, will dot the “i”, time …. Moreover, according to the idea of ​​Philolaus, just as everyone in nature is used to pairing, so in such formations must exist in heaven. And he doesn’t limited himself to calling the moon to his companions, but also suggested that somewhere there, at a diametrically opposite point orbits, constantly hiding from our eyes behind heavenly fire, rotates, a certain anti-Earth. Since then, much has already flowed … And the heavenly fire “burned out”, and our luminary moved to its place The sun, but the thought of the existence of a double of the Earth, no, no, and will arise again. How justified is it? First let’s we state all the arguments for, which indirectly point to the existence of such a double … First, exist in reality, we really could not find it, because “staring” towards the Sun is a very difficult task. astronomers damaged their eyesight and even went blind, trying to observe beyond our luminary. And the area that he covers in the sky, enough to fit quite decent planet … The second consideration is based on the fact that in due time the researchers for a long time could not calculate the position Venus in the sky – capricious “morning star” did not want follow the traditional laws of celestial mechanics. As believed some experts, this is possible only if the motion of Venus acts the gravity of another, not taken into account when calculations of the celestial body. Some people notice that like from time to time “is naughty” and Mars … Finally, thirdly, there is some evidence of astronomers of the past. Let’s say in XVII century, a consideration in favor of the existence of Gloria shared the first Director of the Paris Observatory, the famous Giovanni Domenico Cassini (Yes, yes, the one in whose honor the person sent recently in the vicinity of Saturn interplanetary probe). So here he is in Some time ago, a heavenly object was discovered near Venus. Cassini was determined to have discovered a satellite of Venus. However his existence to this day is not confirmed by modern research. But what if Cassini managed to notice another heavenly the body, namely Gloria? .. This judgment was supported to some extent in 1740 English astronomer and optician James Short. And another 20 years later, the German observer astronomer Tobias Johann spoke about the same Meyer – a man known in the scientific world for the seriousness of his judgments. It is no coincidence that he owns the very accurate moon tables for determining longitudes at sea. But then the body disappeared somewhere and for a long time no one remembered him. And here is a new surge interest in the mythical Gloria. What is it due to? Yes, at least that if such a planet actually exists, it may be An ideal base for … UFOs. Ships starting from our double planets, it is then very convenient to approach the Earth; because they there is no need to go from orbit to orbit – just a few accelerate or, conversely, slow down in the same orbit … Well, seriously, some astronomers really don’t deny the possibility of the existence of a double of our planet. “It is known that at least one other moon revolves around the earth, they say. – And we don’t notice it just because this Moon consists of … dust and tiny meteorite debris that are grouped in so called the libration point. Indeed, according to the solution of the famous problem about the stability of celestial bodies, nearby the Earth – Moon system there must necessarily be some kind of trap point where the fields gravitations and will drive their prey. ” Similarly for the system Sun – Earth must also have such a point, as for systems The sun is Mars, the sun is Venus, etc. In general, dust twins planets, in theory, are not so rare in our solar system. Just hope that our doubles live on them, somehow especially don’t have to. Living in a cloud of dust is not very comfortable … Gloria or Anti-Earth, presumably in the same orbit as Earth, but can not be observed, because it is constantly hidden from us The sun. Is it even possible for two bodies to exist on the same orbit? From observations it is clear what is possible. Saturn satellite system similar to the solar system. To every great moon of Saturn corresponds to its own planet of the solar system. So vivid model. So in the Saturn system in almost the same orbit corresponding to Earth, two satellites coexist perfectly – Janus and Epitemia. One moves in the outer orbit, and the other in the inner one. Every four years they come together and exchange orbits. It turns out the same mechanism is possible in the Earth – Antisubmer system. Were so same visual observations. For the first time, back in the 17th century, the famous astronomer D. Cassini observed a sickle-shaped object near Venus forms. He took him for a satellite of Venus. Then in 1740 this Short observed the object, in 1759 Mayer, in 1761 Montaigne, in 1764 – Rotkier. After that, the object was not observed. Maybe, swaying around the libration point, the object comes out from time to time due to the solar disk and becomes available for observation. So but in the movement of Venus and Mars there are some anomalies that are easy explained if we assume that the Earth has a double. The thing is the fact that these planets are moving ahead of their orbits then Estimated time then lag behind it. And in those moments when Mars is ahead of the schedule, then Venus is behind him, and vice versa. There are quite bold hypotheses about the existence of Gloria highly developed civilization, which is our ancestress. It hasn’t gone further than fantasy yet. Herself the possibility of the existence of Gloria is still a big question. One of adherents of the theory of the existence of the planet Gloria, is famous Russian astrophysicist, professor Kirill Pavlovich Butusov. Reference: Butusov Kirill Pavlovich – physicist, astronomer, candidate physical and mathematical sciences. Works in St. Petersburg university. Developed the theory of cyclic solar activity (1958). He discovered a number of structural patterns in the structure of the Solar systems, in 1985 gave a forecast of a number of undiscovered satellites of Uranus, subsequently confirmed. Found a manifestation of “golden section “in the distribution of the parameters of the bodies of the solar system. A number of discoveries and hypotheses allow him to be ranked among the luminaries of the Russian science. The most curious conclusion from Butusov’s theory is the hypothesis about the existence of the Anti-Earth. Identified patterns indicate that that another unknown planet must be in the orbit of the Earth. More than half a century in astronomy and physics is a complete lull. Wherever Sunshine, everywhere the triumph of the ideas of Bohr, Heisenberg and Einstein. The most time for naturalists to fall into melancholy and under a bottle port wine to complain that the world has long been studied and open. However, if you chat with the astronomer for at least half an hour, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and now an assistant professor of the department Physics Academy Civil Aviation Kirill Butusov, then surely believe in miracles again. There is no prophet in his Fatherland Reflect on the secrets of the universe Kirill Butusov started from the first days of work at the Pulkovo Observatory, where he got to 1954 by distribution after graduating from the Polytechnic Institute. After 4 years, the young scientist boldly discovered the door of the director’s office and laid out on the head table Academician Mikhailov Observatory outline – no less – own theory of solar activity. As you study materials the master’s face was getting darker. Theory data perfectly coincided with the observational data. The sun behaved in exactly as the yellow-handed employee predicted. And only after seeing the discrepancy of curves at a distance of 100 years in the past, Mikhailov Cheered up and pushed the paper away. At the request of Butusov admit it to a computer to facilitate cumbersome calculations academician only waved his hands: “Why are you, my friend, the car is loaded planned calculations one hundred percent. “That was the end of the matter. And five years later, American scientists published in a scientific journal exactly the same job, and priority was lost. To myself astronomer The first bitter experience taught a lot to young employee. He realized that the winner is the one who fights for the end his ideas and does not pay attention to the skepticism of colleagues. Further Butusov began to find out the reason for the divergence of his theory, and. from experimental data and look for new patterns in Solar system. At the end of the end, the astronomer developed the “Wave cosmogony of the solar system, “which explains the mysteries of birth planets, features of their orbits and predicts a lot of completely incredible things. In 1987, he defended for this work. PhD thesis. Anti-Earth One of the most interesting conclusions from Butusov’s theory is the hypothesis of the existence of Anti-Earth. Identified patterns indicate that that another unknown planet must be in the orbit of the Earth. For example, in the Saturn system, in orbit corresponding to the Earth, two satellites at once rotate – Epimetius and Janus. Every four years they come closer, but do not collide, but change places. But if u Earth has a twin sister, why then we do not see him in fields one telescope? Butusov is convinced that an unknown planet that he called Gloria, hides the disk of the Sun from us. – In Earth Orbit right behind the sun there is a point called libration, – explains the astronomer. – This is the only place where it can be located. Gloria. Because the planet rotates at the same speed as Earth, it almost always hides behind the sun. And see it impossible even from the moon. To fix it, you need to fly away at 15 times further. But there is one interesting point. Librational the point is considered very unstable. Even a small impact able to move the planet to the side. Maybe that’s why Gloria sometimes becomes visible. So, in 1666 and 1672, the director Cassini observed crescent-shaped near Venus body and suggested that it was her companion (now we know that Venus has no moons). In subsequent years, something similar seen by many other astronomers (Short, Montel, Lagrange). Later a mysterious object disappeared somewhere. The existence of Gloria indirectly more ancient sources also testify. For example, wall drawing in the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses VI. On it is a golden figure man, apparently, symbolizes the Sun. On both sides of it identical planets. Their dotted orbit goes through the third chakra. But the third planet from the sun is Earth! If Gloria exists, then, most likely, there is life on it, and maybe perhaps even a developed civilization. After all, the planet is in the same conditions as the Earth. Many UFO sightings, especially during nuclear test time, could find an explanation. After all, any cataclysms on our planet are serious for Gloria danger. If nuclear explosions move the Earth, then two planets early or later converge, and a terrible catastrophe will happen. Raja-Sun The next, perhaps even more important for The conclusion from Butusov’s theory is that the sun is double a star, like many other stars in our galaxy. This the second star in the solar system Butusov called Raja-Sun, since the first mention of it was found in Tibetan legends. The Lamas called it the “metal planet”, emphasizing thereby its enormous mass with a relatively small size. She appears in our area once every 36 thousand years. And each of her the visit ends with tremendous shocks for the Earth. Exactly 36,000 years ago a Neanderthal man disappeared on our planet and appeared Cro-Magnon man. Presumably, then the Earth acquired satellite (moon), intercepted from Mars. Before that, according to legend, the moon there was no in the sky. Butusov suggests that the Raja-Sun was ahead in our development was our star. Following the natural processes of evolution stars, it passed the phase of the red giant and exploded, turning into a “brown dwarf”. Lost in mass The Raja Sun transmitted the planets that revolved around it, the current sun. Moving in a very elongated orbit, it leaves far into space at a distance of more than 1,100 astronomical units and becoming almost indistinguishable to modern observers. But the most unpleasant thing is that the next return of the killer star expected soon. 2000 is plus or minus 100 years. Rather total, the Raja-Sun will pass through the steroid belts between Mars and Jupiter. Perhaps these space debris is all that remains of one of the planets after contact with the evil dwarf, which 30 times the mass of Jupiter. In any case, the upcoming the meeting does not bode well for earthlings. Pluto – planet passionaries Once Lev Gumilyov, author of scandalous theory ethnogenesis and passionarity, asked Butusov to think about the reasons passionate shocks. The fact is that once every 250 years on the Earth’s surface in a very limited range occurs mysterious phenomenon – a certain gene mutation, as a result of which people living in a given territory acquire certain quality. They become active, they have the ability to super efforts, they easily sacrifice their lives for ideals. When there are many such passionate people – a new ethnic group is emerging. Gumilev himself believed that this phenomenon is caused by some cosmic radiation. – When I began to think about possible mechanisms passionarity, then immediately came to the conclusion that the only body which can have a similar effect is Pluto, – says Kirill Butusov. – His period of revolution around the sun equal to 248 years. Located at the boundary of the magnetosphere of the sun, it can help breakthrough galactic cosmic particles into the solar the system. No wonder astrology Pluto is considered a planet, responsible for collective efforts, great transformations and reform. Everything would be fine, but one important detail could not be found. explanations. According to Gumilyov, zones of passionate shocks looked very narrow stripes, similar to stripes from the moon’s shadow in moments of sunshine eclipses. cosmic radiation could not act so selectively, Butusov proposed the “relative passionarity. “Suppose, at the time of a solar eclipse on Earth the most powerful stream of particles from a flare on the Sun collapses. Throughout mutation occurs on the planet, as a result of which people become more lazy and inert. Against them, those who fell into the lunar zone shadows will seem to us excessively active – that is, passionate! Opponents of the theory of our twin Earth argues its arguments something like this: First, if if Gloria had a mass at least like that of the Moon, then its influence, rendered into the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars would be so large that the errors between the observed and the foregoing positions of the planets would be many times superior to those which exist now. Secondly, opposite points on orbits are unstable and in a relatively short time, the planet Gloria would cease to be in it and switch to another, although close, the orbit would thereby come out from behind the Sun and shine on the sky. Thirdly, she still cannot be completely opposite point of the orbit due to librations and during solar eclipses would certainly have been observed. In general, direct there is no evidence of Gloria’s existence, but indirect evidence exists. Scientists have long predicted the accumulation of matter at libration points on orbit the earth. One of these points is located just behind the Sun. B. Doppelshvaan, Director of the East European Institute Analytical Astronomy, Academician: Until Earth probes that go beyond our orbit planets remain a rarity, nature has preserved for us the opportunity amazing discoveries. One of them was quite by accident recently. made by an american probe heading for ring research Saturn. In order to study solar activity for a short time the instruments of the probe were directed toward the sun. And there it was made a completely sensational discovery. A new one was opened planet of the solar system. How is this possible? After all, the solar system studied by astronomers for more than one thousand years. Seemed if all the planets, even the faintest, are already open. Some even open “at the tip of the pen”, by taking into account disturbances introduced them into the movement of others. So open Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. But again an open planet was incomparably closer to the Sun than these three, and clearly enters the circle of planets closest to us. How didn’t they notice her? ancient astronomers and twentieth-century astronomers armed telescopes and radio telescopes? Finally, where is the place for this planets? As you know, all possible orbits are located from the sun. at a strictly defined distance. This distance is equal for each orbits N * X + X / 3, where N is the number of the orbit, and X is the space unit, equal to approximately 0.3 of the earth’s orbit. All these orbits are occupied. On first of the possible orbits is Mercury, on the second – Venus, on the third is Earth, the fourth is Mars, the sixth is Jupiter, seventh – Saturn and further – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Fifth orbit busy with asteroid belt. No two planets in one orbit yet noticed and even the very possibility of such a phenomenon in my head did not came to anyone. The unexpectedness of the sensational opening of the probe lies in the fact that he discovered a second planet orbiting orbit … Earth. Earth turned out to be the only planet in the sun a system having such a double. This planet in its parameters mass, speed, etc. is an almost complete double of the Earth. IN in this regard, it is always almost exactly on the opposite point of orbit relative to our planet. Therefore, it could not discover astronomers neither in antiquity nor in our time. This planet always hidden by the sun. Radio emission is also completely absorbed. The sun. From the point of view of cosmogony, the possibility of such the phenomenon is nothing strange. Cosmogony claims that all the planets formed from a dust cloud, first concentrated in the plane of the ecliptic, then distributed in orbits, and finally, gradually (due to different particle velocity) in each orbit of the assembled in a single mass. But because with such a mechanism two centers could have arisen “crystallization” – at opposite ends of the orbit. Of course, extremely rare, but quite probable phenomenon. Interesting that astronomers who can calculate according to disturbances of distant planets orbits of new ones, all the time ignored the fact that the planet itself The earth practically does not disturb the movement of others. It was quite natural for Ptolemy, putting the earth in the center Universe, but since the time of Copernicus, who recognized that in the center Sun, this approach has not changed. Disturbances introduced by movement Earth, simply not studied, but because astronomers did not even come to head to wonder at the strangeness of these disturbances. Maybe think they are above it, and the Anti-Earth would be open, like other planets, “at the tip of the pen.” One way or another, as long as our Probes and space stations are not particularly far from the Earth, “look behind the Sun” enough to see the planet there, failed. Only probes flying beyond the orbit of Mars had some probability open, “see” this planet. Recently, when the number such probes exceeded a dozen, the probability was realized – and the opening took place. In the photos of the probe, the planet is so far that apart from its mechanical characteristics, little can be said. However, in one of the photos where the planet is photographed against the edge The sun, a golden halo of the atmospheric disk is clearly visible. The thickness of the atmosphere is approximately equal to Earth. Given the similarity of conditions, it is easy to assume that the origin and evolution of life on both the planets followed approximately the same path. In this regard, on There may well be a civilization behind Earth or ahead of us, or, perhaps, following a completely different path cultural development. One way or another, “brothers in mind” may be much closer than you might expect. Where to closer than Mars or Venus! In this case, the source of the UFO acquires quite definite outlines. It has long been clear that such small space objects could not appear on our planet from “outer space”, as completely unfit for interstellar travel – not to mention the fact that modern science is extremely skeptical of the possibility of such travels. The light comes to the nearest star for four years, and the spaceship will fly about fifty years to the limit attainable for the material body speed. One hundred years will pass on his home planet during this time, so the flight itself makes no sense. Attempts to find UFO’s source the limits of the solar system still have not yielded results. All the planets are pretty well studied, and there are no traces of intelligent life there. detected. In addition, there are no signs of activity in radio range, which is inevitable for advanced civilization, communicating. Now it may well be that such intelligent life exists in close proximity to the Earth, on hidden behind the Sun section of its own orbit. Then there is nothing surprisingly, even in the early stages of space technology anti-earths were able to visit the Earth. If their astronomers were able to calculate the existence of the earth in advance, it was natural to set a goal to achieve it from the very beginning of development space technology. Maybe they went into space for two or three ten years earlier than us, and the appearance of the first UFOs on Earth in the 40s was actually the first experience of their interplanetary flights. That’s why their spaceships crashed during landing – experience piloting over an alien planet was still not enough. Maybe soon the day will come when we can visit their planet. Modern space technologies of earthlings already allow this. However, all this remains in the shaky sphere of hypotheses and assumptions. Only one fact is now established immutable – Earth’s twin planet exists. Well, in a dispute between supporters and opponents of the hypotheses about the existence of a double of our Earth – Gloria, as always, will dot the “i”, time ….

Venus Time Universe Doubles Life Eclipse Moon Mars Mercury Neptune Pluto Saturn Sun Solar System Evolution Jupiter

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