Ants use math easily

Ants use math easily.Photos from open sources of

It seems unbelievable, but as scientists of the Technological Institute from New Jersey, the algorithms used by ants, overcoming air barriers and building “living bridges”, very similar to math.

Imagine: the first ant collides with an empty space in its path, it freezes for a while, as if gives the command to build a “living bridge”, and then the ants chain climb each other, building dynamic structures that allow colonies to move in the shortest possible ways, saving time and effort.

At first glance it seems, but what does the math have to do with it? But researchers went further, creating different in complexity barriers for ants, for example, a V-shaped figure. And what? Insects not only easily overcame them, but also accurately calculated optimal construction of the “bridge” and even how much you need to use for this “living bricks”. And they did it as much as possible quickly, as if using to calculate options, at least high speed computer. Scientists also noticed that for ants can use 20 percent of builders at the same time of the total participants.

Certainly nothing new, it seems, American researchers not discovered, because of the collective mind of insects, say, those as for bees (and not only insects), a lot has been written in the scientific world labor. But the collective mind itself is still amazing researchers, because it is not clear where he is and why so perfect? Just a biological computer! True, esoteric knowledge opens the curtain, saying that man is not is free in himself, because these or those lead him through life energy egregors. Apparently, and the collective mind of ants has the same energetic nature, but unlike humans, insects are more disciplined and executive “soldiers” of these invisible puppeteers, which is why there is more order in the anthill than in any of our states. Although among the ants of various “countries” wars also occur. In general, life is like life …

Life Insects Time

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