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Back in the days when one computer, then called electronic computer (computer) occupied an area of almost football field, consumed a lot of energy and stored information on countless ferrite cores among programmers and computer service specialists spread a lot superstition. Indeed, the process of creating even a simple modern concepts of the program then took a lot of time and effort.
Programs were written in artificial languages, then they were transferred to paper media – punched tapes and punched cards, where visually she was a lot of holes. So, it often happened: when the process came to an end, then suddenly appeared in the equipment failure, which is now commonly called a “glitch”, and all work went down the drain.
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Accept and superstitions were a great many. For example, programmers they didn’t really like it when a woman was next to the car. It is believed that an explanation for this phenomenon has been found. In those days in fashion was synthetic material nylon. Women’s dresses, stockings and linen from this material was worn by all fashionistas. Nylon, however, with friction Generates and stores static electricity. That’s it, according to scientists, and influenced the operation of computers. Employees changed into cotton robes, the interruptions stopped, it was believed what a solution is found. However, no one paid attention to the fact that in At the same time, the element base of computers has changed.
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In those days, directly with a computer in their work and life faced units, and all the “troubles” did not go beyond the limits of a narrow circle of computer scientists. But at the end of the twentieth century, everything has changed. Computer calculation data began to be used ubiquitously, almost any complex process is controlled directly by electronic machines, and practically everyone this device is at home. Creating a global network The Internet, bringing together millions of personal computers and servers around the world, has led to the fact that most of the population developed countries uses this technology daily. And people began to notice that even in the latest systems things are strange inexplicable, and sometimes sinister.
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Some of these inexplicable incidents can be interpreted as manifestation of malware, random crashes. And even how an attempt to consciously hoax on the part of individual network users. Recent cases include John’s story Taytor. A user with this name regularly appeared on many forums in 2000 and 2001. About himself, he said that is a scout from the future and arrived from 2036, in search of necessary to save the civilization of the IBM 5100 computer. he explained the activity on social networks with a desire to warn humanity from the disastrous path. He did it by gloomy, sustained in the spirit of Nostradamus poetic, unintelligible prophecies. Naturally, it could be considered that this is one person, or even a group of pranksters just decided to have fun. However, according to researchers of the Taytor phenomenon, he’s absolutely predicted the war in Iraq, and several other very important events. Photos from open sources
Time until a complete resolution of the question of whether The tytor, or really knew what was coming next, was left Little. World War III, the deaths of three billion people, the collapse of most developed countries and the collapse of the United States, he appointed 2015 year. True, I want to believe that Tytor is really a hoaxer, although very talented. However, phenomena that are associated with some person, group of people or even an organization is not possible. One such events can be considered a black banner, appearing since 2005 years on many sites. This black rectangle is no It does not carry information in itself and behaves quite peacefully. If click on this banner, then no events occur, and in over a period of two to one hundred and twenty seconds it disappears from the screen as mysteriously as it appeared. Black banner specialists Interested as a possible manifestation of a new computer virus. However, the studies have yielded stunning results. By According to NASA scientist Michael Dodgenson, server research showed that the banner contains links to one hundred and two resources, never existed. Rather, not yet existent. Time of creation The references date back to the period between 2030 and 2070. How how could such links be created, do they really lead to the sites of the future, does this threaten computer networks and to humanity as a whole – scientists are not yet known.
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Show computers and personal character. Stories about them good and bad “mood”, as well as the “dislike” of cars to specific people do not have a number. All this leads to the fact that some users entirely dependent on performance and quality the work of their machines, not only try to locate them to themselves, but also literally praying on their computers. Scientists put forward a number of hypotheses, explaining these strange events. Here is an insight into alien computer networks, the work of “agents from the future.” A also mystical theories saying that God, and possibly gods communicate with humanity through the Internet. There is a theory about global information network integrating any streams event information.
Moreover, regardless of where they occurred – in ours or parallel reality, on Earth or Cassiopeia, in the future or the past. Some researchers believe that computers got out of human control. Now they take us under their own control. Indeed, all electronic devices, regardless from the intentions of their creators, through interference in cable networks and radio emissions are, in principle, connected to each other. Including deeply conspiratorial and carefully protected from penetration, weapons of mass destruction control, control and intelligence.
True, while reports that someone’s computer is meaningful killed, not reported. On the other hand, massive suicides after talking on social networks never specifically were investigated. Therefore, no one can answer the question: is everything chat messages were created by people, or some were received unknown from where?
War time