Argentine Plesiosaurus hit the video fishermen

Argentine Plesiosaurus hit the video of fishermenPhoto from open sources

In Argentina, there is the legendary Nahuel Huapi Lake, which in terms of the habitat of the mysterious monster in it may well compete with Scottish pond Loch Ness. By the way, note that both the above lakes became famous only in the last century, when independent scientists are interested in mysterious animals, living in their waters.

For example, the Argentine lake Nahuel Huapi was first studied on the subject of its mysterious inhabitants only in 1922 by a certain Clementi Onelli. However, the scientist who is the director of the zoo Buenos Aires, could not prove the reality of existence Nauelito – the legendary monster that the locals knew about centuries ago.

… At the end of January of this year, two fishermen again faced this lake foot and mouth disease, moreover, one of them managed quite well remove the mysterious monster floating on the surface of the reservoir.

A fisherman named Facundo who shot on a smartphone plesiosaurus (the alleged name of this monster), in some the moment is even frightened of him and on the video you can hear how he offers comrade get out of here podobru-pozdorovu. By the way, these are the words will then make the man blush because his neighbors have become make fun of him, they say, the fisherman was afraid of a large fish. However the legend of Nauelito made many Argentines still more take the video seriously.

As a word, we note that the fishermen themselves, participants in this event, and other locals claimed that that day was quiet and hot weather, and therefore on Lake Nahuel Huapi was not observed no excitement. What caused such bursts and large waves – it’s not clear, in any case, not a big fish, which, if floats to the surface, it creates a completely different excitement – just beats its tail and disappears immediately. Yes and there can be no such fish huge and serpentine. Was it really Nauelito?

By the way, according to local legends, this lake monster is mysterious not only because such animals are simply not found in our world. He is still constantly changing his appearance, and therefore for many centuries it is described in the form of a giant snake, then in the form prehistoric plesiosaurus, or even in the form of a huge crocodile. However, all the pictures of Nauelito, which were made in recent a hundred years (as the photo appeared), and could not clearly show What is it. Scientists, probably, therefore consider that the monster in Lake Nahuel Huapi – nothing more than fiction of local residents. The thing is that in almost every lake, according to local legends, something mysterious yes to be found, not to mention the seas, in the depths of which the rich imagination of a person can settle not even such monsters …

Monster Fish

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