Army of the Unborn Girls: Terracotta Daughters Prune Nurri

When the French artist Prune Nourry decided start a project dedicated to the missing daughters of China – millions girls who have never been born because of gender discrimination – she needed to find easily recognizable symbol.

The choice fell on the national treasure of China – the Terracotta Army (more than 8 thousand full-sized terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and their horses discovered in 1974 near the tomb Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang). The army of the unborn girls:Photos from open sources A series of sculptures “Terracotta daughters “(” Terracotta Daughters “) Prune Nurri Sculptures of Nurri made from the same type of local clay and in the same technique as original terracotta army. Like wars, each of Prune’s figures unique, but instead of portraying overweight men with swords and armor, Nurri created several hundred clay schoolgirls. The artist called the project “Terracotta Daughters” (“Terracotta Daughters “).” All my work is built around human problems breeding, explains the twenty-eight-year-old Nurri, the perfect child you could get if it was possible to pre-program his appearance and поведение”. Exhibition Фотоfrom open sources Terracotta Daughters Exhibition (“Terracotta Daughters”) in Shanghai “Terracotta Daughters” – continuation of the previous Nurri project for which she committed travel around India, studying the problem of gender imbalance. Despite government efforts to narrow the growing gap between the number of women and men in the country, the census shows that the effectiveness of measures such as banning ultrasound to determine sex the embryo is approaching zero. Clay Schoolgirls Army Prune NurriPhotos from open sources Clay Army Schoolgirl Prune Nurri In China Proportion sex ratios – 118 boys per 100 girls, mostly thanks to the “One Family – One Child” policy restricting the number of children in the family and provoking a huge number abortion, voluntary and violent, especially if it becomes known that a girl will be born. Photo from open source “Terracotta Daughters” fashioned with real orphans In the preparatory phase of the Prune project, After consulting with professors of Xi’an University, she created eight life-size statues for which models orphan girls. After the first batch of sculptures was ready, Nurri turned for help to local craftsmen who specialize in creating replicas from Terracotta warriors. Fruit their collaboration began another 108 sculptures, each of which individual. Photos from open sources “Terracotta daughters” in the process of work Army “Daughters”, together with bronze prototypes, plaster forms, videos and photos of the project were exhibited in the Magda Gallery Danysz in Shanghai. Besides an important milestone in an art career, the project was an opportunity for Nurri to help orphans, posed for sculptures. Supported by a charity organizations of The Children of Madaifu she raises money for having to educate girls. The artist at workPhoto from open source artist at work Help. The terracotta army is one of the most valuable and famous, and therefore most copied, works of ancient art of China. Images of harsh clay warriors can be seen in the most unexpected places, from the chocolate festival in Shanghai, to the festival street art in florida.


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